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Education and Careers Work of any kind can get stressful at times. Ask in this forum if you need help with coursework, applications, and more.
Struggling with work. -
September 6th 2012, 07:55 PM
I started work at a nursing home around 3/4 weeks ago. Its been manageable but I can't handle it. Its too hard for me to be caring for some of the residents. I wouldn't call myself 'stable' right now. I'm struggling badly with my mental health and working with the people I have to work with is making this really hard. And to make it worse, I had a run in with the Area Manager on Tuesday and got blamed for something which was not my fault in anyway. She was harsh and horrible, implied that I was lying, made me aware that things that happened in the home that morning were in fact all my fault and that she wanted to sack me.
So I spoke to my mum. A work placement from a nursery/school I did a work placement have asked me to take in a CV and I really enjoyed working there. Mum thinks I should ring up tomorrow and talk to them to see whether I can still apply. Basically, I don't want to work in a nursing home. I don't feel in a well enough state to handle it right now and I don't know whether to wait a while or to hand in my notice now. I just can't hack it.
I was worried about money but I'm on around 350 pounds a month DLA which my support worker helped me get in case I couldn't cope with work and we spoke about how I could apply for JSA if I couldn't get a job.
But I wanted some advice from you lovely people. Every day is hard to get through right now and making decisions which lead in to the future is hard for me at the moment. I
Any advice is really appreciated. Thankyou.
’Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light.’
Re: Struggling with work. -
September 6th 2012, 09:04 PM
Working in the nursery sounds like a good idea. If you don't feel like you can work in the nursing home and it's making you feel worse maybe it would be a good idea to leave and see if the nursery/school will let you apply. Usually nurseries need volunteers and such like so you might be able to work there and get the DLA and JSA as with JSA you can work up to 16 hours or you can do 16 hours volunteering. Might something to ask them about at least.
'There will be bad days, there will be good days, there will be really bad days, and really good days, and days that are not bad or good but just simply suck, but either way you got through it and you are here today and that is all that really matters''