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Anxiety and Stress This forum is for seeking advice on anxiety and stress related issues.
I'm now eligible for the Covid vaccine where I live, and I'm currently waiting for the online booking system to realise that (yay for glitches...).
I'm really scared of needles. Just thinking about getting the jab has been giving me tonnes of anxiety and anxiety attacks and keeping me awake at night. I do want to get the jab and I'm pushing myself to go through with it, but I could do with some pointers on how to manage anxiety when I think about it, and when I go to have it done too. I'm a huge over thinker.
I suggest you focus on the positive effects of getting your vaccination. Instead of imagining the process, concentrate on why exactly you want to get the jab and what you will gain. You will be immune to the virus, you will be safer in large groups of people, you will contribute to overcoming the pandemic, you will be able to travel... keep in mind whatever is the most important to you.
As for the process itself, reserve enough time to get to the place where you're getting the vaccine so that you don't worry about being late/not having space to park etc. Eat something beforehand, come well-rested (if possible) and bring a bottle of water with you. If you often feel dizzy during such procedures, could you ask the nurse to let you lay down on a couch in the treatment room? They often allow this during blood drawing, and I don't think that should be a problem during vaccination if you feel like it. I always look away from the needle and it works - instead focus on something like a painting on the wall or on what's going on outside the window. Try breathing exercises.
You could also ask a friend or family member to keep you company. You'd feel safer and they could engage you in a conversation
I've had two doses of the vaccine already. The needle is not big and the jab is unpleasant rather than painful. It's really quick. The nurses vaccinate so many patients daily, you just come and go in a matter of two minutes. You should wait about a quarter after the vaccination before leaving.
I hope I helped a bit. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Let us know how it goes!
xoxo S
My mum has a similar problem. The thought of needles makes her feel incredibly sick, and has even passed out just by seeing them.
I had my first vaccination on Sunday and honestly it was nothing like I was expecting. I started feeling a bit nervous at first because of the feeling needles give. But when I had it, it just felt like that feeling you get when you accidentally scratch yourself. It was quick and over in a matter of seconds.
I think the lead up to getting the vaccination is a lot of people's issue. Knowing they have to get a needle, but again, it was honestly not what most were expecting. I've talked to quite a few others who've had it and all have said the same. Some didn't even realise they'd had it.
In the past when I'd had issues with needles and started to panic, I got someone to come with me and talk to me the whole time. The act of being distracted and having the needle at a random time I didn't expect certainly helped. Although technically you have to book in for the vaccination, you can still just make sure you have somebody with you so they can let staff know about your phobia. This way they can approach you without you being aware, and give you the jab.
I also hate needles, I'm sure it's different everywhere but for me, both places I had my shots done didn't take the vaccine out of storage until they were ready to give it to me. So, I simply asked them to warn me beforehand so I could look away. I didn't see the needle at all, before or after, in either instance.
In terms of getting the needle itself if that's what bothers you most, of all the needles that I've had I felt this one the least, and that's been the comment I've heard most often, that people didn't realize the needle was done because they didn't feel it.
Hopefully, that's reassuring for you, but as others have said just focusing on the positives of getting the vaccine and at the actual appointment focusing on your breathing can really help. It's okay to ask/tell them about your fear and most will accommodate as best as they can to ensure you're comfortable.
I asked my mum to come along with me and told her that if she didn't I had a feeling I'd get all the way there and then chicken out and come home. So she dragged me into the vaccination centre which I was grateful for Honestly though, the jab itself didn't hurt, and the woman who did it for me had a really comforting voice which helped, and she was super fast. I will probably go through the same thing again with jab number 2, but I'm proud of myself for doing it.
I asked my mum to come along with me and told her that if she didn't I had a feeling I'd get all the way there and then chicken out and come home. So she dragged me into the vaccination centre which I was grateful for Honestly though, the jab itself didn't hurt, and the woman who did it for me had a really comforting voice which helped, and she was super fast. I will probably go through the same thing again with jab number 2, but I'm proud of myself for doing it.
Nice, I'm glad to hear that you managed to go through that process. Kudos to your mum as well and I wish you luck with your second jab.
I look away when they poke me with a needle long or short. I have found that helps me a lot. I also tell myself it'll only hurt for a second then go away.