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Anxiety and Stress This forum is for seeking advice on anxiety and stress related issues.
I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this thread in but feel free to move it.
So yesterday, I started my new casual/weekend job as a bartender. I have worked as a bartender for the last 2 years for another company so it is somewhat familiar to me and this is a brand new venue which is always exciting. However, due to my mental health (I suffer from anxiety), when I finished my shift, I obsessed over the mistakes I made, rather then focusing on the achievements. There was a lot for me to celebrate including actually going into work and not caving into the anxiety or nervousness I felt prior to the shift (which in the past as made me resign from another casual/weekend job for a food and beverage attendant which was for another brand new venue that opened up before I even attended a shift) and learning things quicker then I thought I would. I do tend to doubt and put pressure on myself which I have done since I was younger. Right now, I feel like my anxiety has become more prominent in my life and I know I have to see a professional and/or start taking medication again for it. I was diagnosed with OCD and depression when I was 16 and used to play a big part in my life since I was 15. However, I fought it and now I apparently no longer have OCD and depression but some form of anxiety. But, I do believe that at moments of high stress, some of my OCD traits do come back to the surface. Today, has been one of those days.
I definitely understand how debilitating anxiety can be because I've called out and quit jobs due to it before as well. I hope you are able to get into a therapist and possibly take medication if you think it would help! There is no shame in it at all. In the meantime, maybe take a deep breath and remind yourself you're doing the best you can! My therapist is having me refute anxious thoughts and maybe you can do something similar?
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
I definitely understand how debilitating anxiety can be because I've called out and quit jobs due to it before as well. I hope you are able to get into a therapist and possibly take medication if you think it would help! There is no shame in it at all. In the meantime, maybe take a deep breath and remind yourself you're doing the best you can! My therapist is having me refute anxious thoughts and maybe you can do something similar?
Thank you for your reply!
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that has resigned from jobs before even attending a first shift. I often have to remind myself I am doing the best that I can but sometimes it can be hard but now I'm starting to focus on looking after myself and taking more time out when I need it.
It's just hard to find a therapist that doesn't charge an arm and a leg and for a while, I told myself I didn't really need it but maybe I do?