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Re: Help with anxiety -
June 25th 2019, 03:58 PM
I'm so sorry that you're going through this right now. I also have anxiety and have been in some stressful jobs, so I know how much that can wear you down.
Sometimes, even when you can't change the situation, you can do little things to help improve it. I'm glad to hear that you've been listening to your music and audio books - I find music really helpful myself! I know it can be hard to unwind when you get home, though, which is something that I have also struggled with.
What about practicing some self-care? Sometimes taking a warm bath or putting some lotion on helps me. What kinds of things do you find soothing? Although it's hard, I would recommend trying to stay active - even if you're doing something small. When you're stuck in bed, it's extremely easy to start ruminating, which will only exacerbate your anxiety. (I've definitely been there, trust me!) You could do something simple, like putting on some clean pajamas or making yourself a nice meal. Basically, do something nice for yourself that makes you feel good. 
You can also use part of your evenings to help prepare for the next day, if that's not too stressful for you. Since you're already stressed out about work, try to minimize or eliminate other stressors in your daily life as much as possible. Is there something you could the night before to help your morning routine go a little bit more smoothly? Are your clothes laid out? Is your lunch packed, if you bring a lunch? I've found that doing these things the night before and being prepared for the next day really helps to lessen my anxiety.
In terms of dealing with the treatment at work, remember to just do your best. I know how unsatisfying that is, but when these anxious thoughts come up, try to remind yourself that you just have to do your best, that you don't deserve this treatment, and that this is all temporary. Even though you might not be able to change the situation immediately, it WILL change, and you are already taking steps to change it. Maybe you could write some affirmations down on a piece of paper or some sticky notes to have at work to remind yourself. 
I hope this helps at least a little bit!
All the best,