Has anyone got any experience of taking Sertaline for anxiety -
February 7th 2017, 08:19 PM
I have been taking propranolol for the past 2 months and whilst it has helped with my anxiety a little, I don't feel that it is really helping me to be less anxious about things. So my doctor has given me another prescription for the propranolol and upped by dosage to 40mg three times a day as opposed to two, but he has said I can decide if I need to take it that often, I have also been prescribed Sertraline to take alongside this once a day. Does anyone have any experience of taking this and how did it affect you. I'm really reluctant to take anything stronger, but I feel it is my only option to help me live my life and cope with things.
Thanks in advance.
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Last edited by xxpaigiexx; February 7th 2017 at 08:59 PM.
Reason: Spelling mistake!