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Anxiety and Stress This forum is for seeking advice on anxiety and stress related issues.
Natural supplements for anxiety -
February 4th 2016, 04:11 PM
On Tuesday at my counseling appointment, I informed my therapist that I've been experiencing some generalized anxiety. It's not related to my trauma at all, and she recommended I see the nurse practitioner that prescribes meds at her practice. I am currently on the waiting list, as far as I know. My therapist asked if I'd try an over the counter supplement: L-Theanine. I agreed and went to the vitamin shop downtown to buy it.
So I've been taking 2-3 of these chewable tablets everyday since Tuesday. I don't feel much of a difference, at least not a noticeable difference. Does anyone have any experience with L-Theanine or with "natural" supplements at all?
How did they work for you? or Why won't you use them?
There is no beauty without somestrangeness.
Re: Natural supplements for anxiety -
February 4th 2016, 06:30 PM
Honestly, I think it will only work for low level anxiety. It's essentially tea, which can have an anti-anxiety effect. It is a good option to try though, as there is very little side effects associated with it. I would guess you may need a full week or two to really notice a change, as is with many supplements or medications.
You may want to do some research on Yogi brand Kava Tea. There are some health concerns, but supposedly they are minimal with the yogi tea. The Kava is supposed to have a slight sedative effect and many people with anxiety swear by it. It is not a drug, though and not addictive.
I'd call and ask her for other suggestions if you are interested in other herbal supplements.