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Anxiety and Stress This forum is for seeking advice on anxiety and stress related issues.

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Public Speaking Anxiety and don't know what to do - January 4th 2016, 10:12 PM

So I have to declaim a poem I wrote to my entire middle school in about a month, but I have really bad social anxiety(undiagnosed SAD) and even the assignment guidelines are stressing me out. My teacher doesn't know, and I don't think I can tell her because all she will say is that everyone gets nervous, and that I'll do great ect.... but I can't even answer a question in my class of only fourteen kids. I really need some advice because I have no idea what to do.

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Re: Public Speaking Anxiety and don't know what to do - January 4th 2016, 10:21 PM

Hey Clover,

Your teacher may not excuse you from the assignment if you talk to them but if you let them know maybe they could work with you personally, 1 on 1, and help you overcome some of your anxiety issues.
I used to have problems speaking in front of crowd. I had a speech impediment for a long time. I think the only way to get better is practice.
Read to your family, read to your friends, read to anyone who will listen at first. Read in front of a mirror so you can watch yourself, read aloud to yourself.

I think if you do those small things and work your way up to going in front of your class you will be okay!

- R

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The untroubled soul knows there is no justice in revenge.
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