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Anxiety and Stress This forum is for seeking advice on anxiety and stress related issues.

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Ways to manage anxiety - June 3rd 2015, 11:51 PM

Hey guys,

Anxiety affects me every working day, and I'm really starting to struggle. I always worry about things at work. I worry about whether I have done something wrong or that I will mess something up. It gets harder each day to function at work. I struggle when I have a massive work load, I just don't know what to do first and what should take priority. I just get myself into a muddle and end up getting hardly anything done. Otherwise anxiety doesn't affect me too badly... just work mainly. It's that bad that when I'm off for a week or two I spend my whole time off worrying.

Does anyone have any advice on how I can cope with this better and manage this myself. I'm sick of worrying.


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Re: Ways to manage anxiety - June 5th 2015, 03:45 PM

Hi there Paige,

I would suggest talking to your supervisors or managers about getting help with prioritising your workload, perhaps they could work out a system for you so that you know what work you should do first.

If you have done something wrong then you won't get punished for it, remember that everyone makes mistakes at some point even if they deny that they do. If you are worried that you have done something wrong perhaps you could ask a college to check that you have done it right.

When you are off work, what do you worry about?

I hope this helps, I'm here if you would like to talk.

I'm here if anyone wants to talk, I'm always here. Feel free to VM or PM me
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Re: Ways to manage anxiety - June 5th 2015, 08:19 PM

I think coolkid98's idea about asking a colleague whether you have done something right is a good one, as well as her idea about asking your manager about prioritizing your workload. In addition to asking your manager, you can try asking colleagues what they prioritize first.

I would like to know what type of job you have, as maybe if I knew that I could give you more specific tips.

I look forward to hearing back from you, and I wish you the best of luck!
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Re: Ways to manage anxiety - June 5th 2015, 09:58 PM

I find that when I have a massive workload, that it helps to write out when everything needs to be done and then making a list of individual tasks to complete each thing. If you break down the work (e.g. research X research Y research Z, make notes, contact people for interviews, write article, submit to newspaper...) then you can check all of those things off based on priority.

I also find it helps me to do fun things outside of work, like reading (I do think reading is fun! ) or playing a video game or something that'll make you feel good. That way at least you're getting some relief outside of work.

Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions
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