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Anxiety and Stress This forum is for seeking advice on anxiety and stress related issues.

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Exclamation anxiety problems - May 19th 2014, 02:21 AM

hi my names matthew im new here
ive been having a problem due to anxiety or at least i think it is, i recently lost someone close to me in my family the beginning of this year and its been hard on me i was stressed from it and ive been having problems swallowing food then problems swallowing just saliva in general it was all day everyday like a hesitation, fear of choking, feeling like my throat will close up and ill choke on my own spit, i even did choke a couple times because it was so bad then i went on anxiety pills and it hasnt been as bad my doc said my brain chemistry will correct itself in another year its like putting a cast on a broken leg so we'll see
so my question is, im not the only one with this problem right im not the only one who's gone through it, i just feel like a freak, and i want it to go away and know it'll go away and i'll get better in time, will i? has anyone else gone through this?
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Re: anxiety problems - May 25th 2014, 03:17 AM

Hi there, Matthew!

I'm sorry that you've had to go through this. It must be very hard to live with that happening every time you eat. I've never gone through something like that, but I'm sure someone, somewhere has. Maybe you could try some relaxing before you eat to try to stay calm and fight the anxiety. This could include focusing on your breathing, listening to soothing music, or anything else that calms you down. Maybe you could talk to someone like a counselor about ways to beat anxiety. If your doctor says it will go away, then it's very likely that it will. Keep hanging in there. You can do it.

Find your light in a new dawn.

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