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Anxiety and Stress This forum is for seeking advice on anxiety and stress related issues.

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  (#1 (permalink)) Old
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School and anxiety - November 3rd 2013, 04:51 PM

I have begun to experience intense anxiety around all the work I am dealing with. This last week I've been shoving it aside and not doing it cause I knew if I did I'd feel how I feel right now. I have no one to talk to here when I am upset or having some kind of anxiety problem. It makes me want to get anxiety medications just because I have no other way out sometimes.

I get so stressed at times it becomes hard for me to focus. I've already quit one of my volunteer positions because I realized how it was starting to go.

It's just the 1 class I have to deal with and then I think I will feel a lot better. But I don;t know what to do because I HATE it! The class is horrible and it's one of those really "whiney gripey" kind of courses. I am interested in the issues buuuut.... The way the prof approaches it bothers me and it's making it hard for me to do my work properly cause I feel like I have to write it the way SHE wants it done, my topic could be amazing but she'll rip me a new one if I don't do it to her exacting specifications, it's almost like she expects specific answers vs. allowing us to demonstrate what the evidence says from our own view. This might be horibly infair and maybe it is not that bad but it's how I feel and my anxiety is killing me.

My anxiety has been so much more manageable. It USED to get so bad that I'd think about hurting myself, so in comparison I'm doing ok.... But having my anxiety sky rocket feels pretty horrible.... And I keep thinking about medications which isn't appealing. The only reason I'd think of it is because I have no one to talk to when I need it. If I had some supportive friend I'd be better

Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions
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Re: School and anxiety - November 6th 2013, 10:54 PM

Hey, I am sorry you are feeling so much anxiety right now.

Honestly, it sounds like my exact situation... from the class down to the medication. I should really take this advice into consideration myself, but just push through it. It's only one course, and after the term is over, you'll never have to take it again. Maybe you can come up with healthy coping strategies, set aside an hour or two dedicated to schoolwork for that course. Depending on the severity of it, reward yourself afterwards perhaps? Watch an episode of your favorite TV show or read your favorite book. Or do whatever you feel is rewarding.

It's hard, but you can do it. If you ever need to talk, don't be afraid to send me a PM.
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Re: School and anxiety - November 9th 2013, 04:02 PM

Hi there. I'm sorry you are having such a hard time.

I know the feeling, I'm having the same problem with just one class and feeling quite similar about it. Luckily for me, I won't have to worry about the subject again after the exam Monday (assuming I pass!).

How far into the class are you and is it compulsory? If there is an option of swapping out, that might be a good idea. Otherwise, like Bevlynn said, all you can really do is push through it. Do a bit of work and reward yourself. When you aren't studying, I know its harder than it sounds, but try not to think about it. Distract yourself by hanging around with friends, watching, reading or playing something, taking a walk, whatever makes you happy and relaxed. And think about what the worse thing that could happen is. If its similar to my course, the worse that could happen is repeating the course next time. Unlikely and worst case scenario. Not a fun thing, but all it means is an extra semester to your time studying. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't make a huge difference.

The other thing is, can you talk to your professor about it, ask her to go through it in a different way? Or do you have a tutor or such that might be more helpful? If not, can you afford to consider private tuition? Even organising study sessions with classmates can help!

If nothing else, you have a lot of people on these forums who would like to serve as someone supportive to talk to. I'd be happy to chat more about you with it or just listen if you'd ever like to send me a PM. Any way I can help.
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