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Fabrication November 7th 2011 01:04 AM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'
The teacher needs to be either fired or suspended. The teacher is being a bully to a bully, and that's just immature.
end of story.

OMFG!You'reActuallySmart! November 7th 2011 01:24 AM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'

Originally Posted by NeonxNinjas (Post 752878)
The teacher needs to be either fired or suspended. The teacher is being a bully to a bully, and that's just immature.
end of story.

*) Bullying a bully? Are you sure you're reading the same article as the rest of us in this thread because the teacher, "bullied" the "victims" of schoolyard bullies. Hell, even the title of the thread states the teacher was "bullying" those who were bullied. With that silliness of yours aside, why should the teacher by suspended or fired?

Guile November 7th 2011 08:40 AM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'

Originally Posted by NeonxNinjas (Post 752878)
The teacher needs to be either fired or suspended. The teacher is being a bully to a bully, and that's just immature.
end of story.

Edited by Boxxy

I support what the teacher said, if you don't want people to view you as a stereotype, don't act like one. If someone came up to me with some giant lisp, wearing a V-Neck Shirt, in skinny genes, and with make-up on, I'd laugh and call him a Fag. Just like I'd expect to be laughed at and called a Nazi if I wore my Feldwebel's Hat to school. Break stereotypes if you don't want them to exist.

We live in this thing called a society, and as a society, we have created standards, if you can't fulfill standards, shut-up, suck it up, or fit in. I don't whine to a teacher when someone calls me a Fascist, I accept that it's what people consider me, but you know what, who gives a damn, it's a moniker, if you don't have the self-esteem to accept criticism and or resentment, then act like everyone else, watch your soaps, eat your McDonalds, fit in, and stop whining.

/rant over

NonIndigenous November 7th 2011 12:09 PM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'

Originally Posted by Guile (Post 753101)
Edited by Boxxy

I support what the teacher said, if you don't want people to view you as a stereotype, don't act like one. If someone came up to me with some giant lisp, wearing a V-Neck Shirt, in skinny genes, and with make-up on, I'd laugh and call him a Fag. Just like I'd expect to be laughed at and called a Nazi if I wore my Feldwebel's Hat to school. Break stereotypes if you don't want them to exist.

We live in this thing called a society, and as a society, we have created standards, if you can't fulfill standards, shut-up, suck it up, or fit in. I don't whine to a teacher when someone calls me a Fascist, I accept that it's what people consider me, but you know what, who gives a damn, it's a moniker, if you don't have the self-esteem to accept criticism and or resentment, then act like everyone else, watch your soaps, eat your McDonalds, fit in, and stop whining.

/rant over

"Skinny genes" made me laugh... lol sry. I'm not usually the grammar Nazi. Apart from that I almost entirely agree actually... for a change. The only thing different is I wouldn't call the person a fag, more likely ignore him.

Guile November 7th 2011 12:19 PM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'

Originally Posted by BDF (Post 753158)
"Skinny genes" made me laugh... lol sry. I'm not usually the grammar Nazi. Apart from that I almost entirely agree actually... for a change. The only thing different is I wouldn't call the person a fag, more likely ignore him.

Ahh god damned Eugenics is trolling about my head at 3am, genes/jeans.

NonIndigenous November 7th 2011 12:24 PM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'

Originally Posted by Guile (Post 753161)
Ahh god damned Eugenics is trolling about my head at 3am, genes/jeans.

It occurred to me it might be a Freudian slip.

WhisperingSilence November 7th 2011 02:56 PM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'
The teachers didn't stop the bullying did they, And actually the article is focusing on the word gay as the sexuality, not any other meaning of gay. Forget standard. Society to me means - Accepting people for who they are and how they dress. Everyone is unique and why should people have to dress and act a certain way to avoid being bullied ? Because society is a moron - society judges people on how they look. Should we be judged on how we look ? No we should not be we are, and sadly usually this amounts to bullying in school.

Would you bully a school kid who lets say has a learning disability for the way they act ? if the answer to that is a yes, then wow you really need to go look at your life . Is the same with this article, people act a certain way because that is who they are. Why should everyone act the same and look the same and behave the same way ? Surely if that was how society was supposed to be we would all be clones ? Each person is unique and without everyone being different the world would be a very dully and boring place would it not ?

NonIndigenous November 7th 2011 03:40 PM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'

Originally Posted by SquidPid (Post 753206)
The teachers didn't stop the bullying did they, And actually the article is focusing on the word gay as the sexuality, not any other meaning of gay. Forget standard. Society to me means - Accepting people for who they are and how they dress. Everyone is unique and why should people have to dress and act a certain way to avoid being bullied ? Because society is a moron - society judges people on how they look. Should we be judged on how we look ? No we should not be we are, and sadly usually this amounts to bullying in school.

Would you bully a school kid who lets say has a learning disability for the way they act ? if the answer to that is a yes, then wow you really need to go look at your life . Is the same with this article, people act a certain way because that is who they are. Why should everyone act the same and look the same and behave the same way ? Surely if that was how society was supposed to be we would all be clones ? Each person is unique and without everyone being different the world would be a very dully and boring place would it not ?

You're missing the point over and over it seems, and I'm running out of ways to put it in different words.

Bullying will always happen. I might not do it, you might not, but someone else might, and there will always be people like that. There is nothing you can do about it realistically, unless you support the idea of a police state. So... we can come up with "punishments" for bullies, at school, and at work, to try and give people more freedom to "be who the want to be" (NOTE: not necessarily who they actually are), but there's only so far a society can go to enforce something like that before it becomes pathological. You just have to accept that there are assholes like that out there, and deal with it in your own way.

An end to bullying will never happen in a balanced society. Just like you said, people are different, and people will 'attack' each other over their differences, some more than others. It's just what it is. Same way that ice is cold and rain is wet. Same way that vacuums are empty, they just are. It's in our nature to be like this, and ultimately you could even argue that bullying is a form of expression in itself, almost in the same way that dressing up as the opposite sex is, with the only difference being that it is pro-actively harmful to others. But like I said, it is what it is, and the most effective way for any individual to fight it, is to adapt to the situation, and by adapt I mean blend in. If you can't take the criticism, or stand your ground and fight, then rationally, what other choice do you have that doesn't depend on other people to 'punish' the bullies?

WhisperingSilence November 7th 2011 04:48 PM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'
I'm not saying bullying does not happens, What I am saying is that teachers need to act in a way that is not likely to get this sort of media attention and deal with bullying in a fair and equal manner and to me saying 'Act less gay' To a bullied student is not a fair and equal manner to dealing with bullying.

Guile November 7th 2011 06:39 PM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'

Originally Posted by SquidPid (Post 753251)
I'm not saying bullying does not happens, What I am saying is that teachers need to act in a way that is not likely to get this sort of media attention and deal with bullying in a fair and equal manner and to me saying 'Act less gay' To a bullied student is not a fair and equal manner to dealing with bullying.

Yet, it's sound advice. On a side note, I would laugh at a person with a learning disability, I am superior to them, and might makes right, as such, I have the right to look down on them.

forfrosne November 7th 2011 08:10 PM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'

Originally Posted by Guile (Post 753303)
Yet, it's sound advice. On a side note, I would laugh at a person with a learning disability, I am superior to them, and might makes right, as such, I have the right to look down on them.

You have the right but you shouldn't want to. They haven't done anything to deserve that treatment. You're contributing to the world in a negative way, you're taking away from it. Is that you want to be known for? Bullying disabled children because you believe you're superior to them?

OMFG!You'reActuallySmart! November 7th 2011 09:29 PM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'

Originally Posted by SquidPid (Post 753206)
The teachers didn't stop the bullying did they, And actually the article is focusing on the word gay as the sexuality, not any other meaning of gay.

The article can focus on the sexuality definition all the author wants, however, it's a narrow mindset. The sexual orientation groups also have a narrow mindset by presuming the teacher intended to use that definition. Have you read the rest of the article where the students say the teachers have not been adequately trained in a way to handle the bullying and the teachers agreed with this statement? The teachers wanted to help, they tried but didn't know what to do, so instead of acknowledging there may be a systemic problem, you'd rather sit back and tell the teacher to act in a better way that they are somehow supposed to know.


Originally Posted by SquidPid (Post 753251)
I'm not saying bullying does not happens, What I am saying is that teachers need to act in a way that is not likely to get this sort of media attention and deal with bullying in a fair and equal manner and to me saying 'Act less gay' To a bullied student is not a fair and equal manner to dealing with bullying.

You've made your point the teacher was at fault (whether or not I agree) so now comes the interesting part. What is a "fair and equal manner to dealing with bullying"? Such a solution is too ambiguous, vague and overall meaningless to be of any use unless you explain it without these buzz-words.

Suppose you were the teacher: Little Johnny came up to you pouting because Big Donald was bullying him for the 50th time and Little Johnny is getting very frustrated as other solutions such as, "tell a teacher" haven't worked. If you want to act in a fair and equal manner, how would you realistically deal with it and help Little Johnny? I'm not a teacher nor would I ever want to be one and I'll admit acting in a fair and equal manner will do fuck all, I'm sure any teacher would realize this but they cant employ a more guaranteed solution that's unfair and unequal to the bully because people start whining. And yes, I am hoping you'll give an actual answer of what you would do, the question isn't meant to stimulate thinking in your head and not post it.

WhisperingSilence November 7th 2011 09:31 PM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'

Originally Posted by Guile (Post 753303)
Yet, it's sound advice. On a side note, I would laugh at a person with a learning disability, I am superior to them, and might makes right, as such, I have the right to look down on them.

You are not more superior to them , what makes you think that ? Some people with a learning disability such as autism have a really high IQ and can often go onto university ect. Does that still make you more superior to them ? Laughing at someone or teasing someone because of how they are and they cannot change how they are is unfair, and unjust. How would you like it if you had a learning disability and people made fun of you for it ? I'm pretty sure you would not like it. It's the same for the article I originally posted, If you were gay and people started teasing you for it and told your teacher expecting them to help you with the bullying would you be happy with the comment ' Act less gay ' ? Would you ? No you would not. You would be miffed. Nobody deserves to be bullied and nobody is more superior to anybody. Treat people with the respect and fairness you expect from people, Treat people how you would like to be treated.

WhisperingSilence November 7th 2011 09:39 PM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'

Originally Posted by The Man And XX Master (Post 753393)
The article can focus on the sexuality definition all the author wants, however, it's a narrow mindset. The sexual orientation groups also have a narrow mindset by presuming the teacher intended to use that definition. Have you read the rest of the article where the students say the teachers have not been adequately trained in a way to handle the bullying and the teachers agreed with this statement? The teachers wanted to help, they tried but didn't know what to do, so instead of acknowledging there may be a systemic problem, you'd rather sit back and tell the teacher to act in a better way that they are somehow supposed to know.

You've made your point the teacher was at fault (whether or not I agree) so now comes the interesting part. What is a "fair and equal manner to dealing with bullying"? Such a solution is too ambiguous, vague and overall meaningless to be of any use unless you explain it without these buzz-words.

Suppose you were the teacher: Little Johnny came up to you pouting because Big Donald was bullying him for the 50th time and Little Johnny is getting very frustrated as other solutions such as, "tell a teacher" haven't worked. If you want to act in a fair and equal manner, how would you realistically deal with it and help Little Johnny? I'm not a teacher nor would I ever want to be one and I'll admit acting in a fair and equal manner will do fuck all, I'm sure any teacher would realize this but they cant employ a more guaranteed solution that's unfair and unequal to the bully because people start whining. And yes, I am hoping you'll give an actual answer of what you would do, the question isn't meant to stimulate thinking in your head and not post it.

Yes I have read the article . do you really think I would post an article in the debates forum for people to debate without reading the article myself first ?

I would help little johnny by going to the school governors, speaking with the bullies parents, if teachers want to stop bullying they will, the fact that they don't says to me the teachers do not care. God I was bullied at school, and the teachers did nothing and blamed me told me I deserved it, Do you think thats an appropriate way to deal with bullying ?

WhisperingSilence November 7th 2011 09:59 PM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'
Could this thread be closed please.

OMFG!You'reActuallySmart! November 7th 2011 10:08 PM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'

Originally Posted by SquidPid (Post 753402)
Yes I have read the article . do you really think I would post an article in the debates forum for people to debate without reading the article myself first ?

The fact you were hell-bent on arguing the teachers should have acted in a different way without giving regard to the fact they stated they didn't know what to do, to me, suggests you didn't read it all or read it but then ignored it.


Originally Posted by SquidPid (Post 753402)
I would help little johnny by going to the school governors, speaking with the bullies parents, if teachers want to stop bullying they will, the fact that they don't says to me the teachers do not care.

In a class of let's say 30 students, if half them are bullied, then it means the teacher has to meet with the school governors, bully's parents and whoever else. I'd imagine that would be difficult and frustrating, especially when they've scheduled an appointment but the kid is still being bullied. If they don't do something then and there because they're waiting for the meeting, then you may say the teacher doesn't care. However, teachers should teach students independence and responsibility. If they're bullied, then handle it on their own until it gets too much, then seek the teacher. Of course if the kid is very young, then it's reasonable to go to the teacher earlier but if it's a high-school course, unless the bullying is physical or sexual, the student should try to deal with it without running to the teacher.


Originally Posted by SquidPid (Post 753402)
God I was bullied at school, and the teachers did nothing and blamed me told me I deserved it, Do you think thats an appropriate way to deal with bullying ?

Perhaps, yes. It depends why you were being bullied and what you tried to do to resolve it. If you were being bullied because, say, you liked Metallica and the bullies liked 50 cent, then it's fair for the teacher to tell you to deal with it. If you were being made fun of for some petty thing that was blown out of proportion, again, deal with it yourself. However, if you were being bullied because you liked Metallica instead of 50 Cent and were raped or badly beaten up when you refused to say you liked 50 Cent, then I agree the teacher should step in. If you provoked someone, got them mad and then they got mad at you, to which you cried bully, too bad, you shouldn't have started it and should be able to end it.

I was bullied at school as well and in elementary school, before high-school, I dealt with it myself not because I didn't tell the teachers, rather I told my father who talked to me about it then some solutions to deal with it. I sometimes got beat up on the far side of the back field (they stored soccer nets, sports equipment and a shed which had various balls) all covered up by large trees and some boards, made fun of and so forth. I won't mention everything I did but instead of whining, I provoked the bullies one at a time to come at me thinking I'd get a beating. As you can imagine, the opposite happened. I later humiliated, manipulated and progressively ruined them to the point where they left the school, fell into depression or became suicidal/self-harming. On the bright side, depending on the circumstance and my mood, I helped those who were being bullied even if they weren't in the same grade as I was by going after their bully but always (except for a few circumstances, most of which were off school-grounds so teachers wouldn't get involved), never became physical. That said, I didn't help all those who were being bullied, only those who I had a reason to help.

In short, sometimes a good shot-gun blast to the ass is what's needed by not helping the students.

Ngikhona November 8th 2011 01:25 AM

Re: Teachers tell bullied kids to act less 'gay'
Thread closed at OP's request.

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