Peer Pressure and Bullying Social pressure can take many different forms, including intimidation, bullying and even physical attacks. If you feel you could be a victim or perpetrator (who wishes to stop) of bullying, talk about it here.
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Bullied because of my weight... -
August 25th 2011, 06:34 AM
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When I was in the 6th grade I was bullied about my weight & because I couldn't do the stuff in P.E. that well...
Each year we had to run one mile outside ( it was could outside & the could air would get into your lungs, so it made it even harder) , anyways I was always the last person to finish & some girls made some really CRULE comments such as "is this the only exercise you get all year!!??!!"...
I lost a bunch of weight, but I gained it back, due to my Nana's passing (Aug '10).
Well, now I want to loose a bunch of weigh, get a cute haircut & have an awsome style, look and feel my best...
But I can't get motivated to do anything...
Does anyone have any advice, or if someone could be kind enough to write something kind on my wall each day & let me talk to them & tell them about what I did to exercise?
Thanks for any help you can give (:
Last edited by Everglow.; August 25th 2011 at 12:42 PM.
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Re: Bullied because of my weight... -
August 25th 2011, 07:07 AM
It's not in my nature to write flowery messages for a random person, however, I will try to help you in another way. Imagine all the bullying you endured from your weight coming back all at once. Instead of reacting with sadness and looking down, look up and be confident. Use the bullying and name-calling as incentive to improve, even to a point where you'll finish the run before the other people who called you negative names. I don't believe trying to cover something up with pretty stuff is going to make it better since it just compounds it and although it may not cause mental harm right away, it will in the future. Thus, I believe in confronting it by transforming it from a negative thing to a positive thing.
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Re: Bullied because of my weight... -
August 25th 2011, 04:57 PM
You mentioned you gained back weight when your Grandmother died. Although that is very, very sad, you cannot make excuses. She died, but that is irrelevant to your weight. I don't mean to be rude, but the longer you make excuses, the longer before you make any real progress.
Either you make motivation yourself or you stay heavy. It's that simple. No one is going to say "Poor you" no one is going to help you. You have to do this yourself. It won't be easy, but it is possible. Balance your meals and excersise an hour daily. You will get weight loss, and you will get faster. Even walking can improve running speeds. Walking/Jogging/Running are the easiest, cheapest and best calorie killers out there. Use them.
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Re: Bullied because of my weight... -
August 25th 2011, 05:46 PM
Hey there,
Let me tell you first that I understand totally what it's like to be picked on over your size or weight. People are cruel about things like this, and unfortunately you can't change everyones opinion and show them that we're still human beings with feelings, even if we're not skinny like them. I understand how much it can knock your confidence and hurt your feelings when people are making these kinds of comments, but one of these days you'll have to find the strength to just not care what people think of how you look. I mean, obviously there will always be things that upset you, but you can't please everyone, and you never will. Living to please the world will only make you unhappy, and nobody wants that. You could lose loads of weight, and people may still make comments. Some people aren't very nice.
It's great that you want to get healthier though and I am proud of you for deciding that you're going to do this. The one thing with weight loss is that it probably is very easy to get back into old habits and gain it all back, especially when you go through something traumatic. A lot of people turn to comfort eating, or just don't have the energy or motivation to carry on exercising when they don't feel up to it. You'll experience times where you're not going to do as much as you could do in order to keep up your routines and stay fit. We all have these times. There's nothing stopping you from getting back into it though. Nothing that is except you. Motivation is hard to work up at times, especially when you it's something like exercise and you know it will tire you out. But the simple way to over come that is to it. No matter how much you don't feel like it, if you know it's something you want to do, go out there and do it. Nobody else is stopping you. Perhaps plan out what time you're going to do it in order to actually prepare yourself for the things you'll do.
Keep your chin up though. Don't let the comments get you down, you have every right to feel good about yourself despite how much you weigh.
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Re: Bullied because of my weight... -
August 27th 2011, 09:04 AM
just the other day a boy made a comment to my friend saying "you should start a weight loss company, coz just by looking at you will give people insperation on lossing weight" i could have thumpped that kid right there and than!
i used to be a big girl when i started high school, and i used to get alot of lip because of this, i got that tired of it, that i tryyed my best and lost some of it, it wasnt lost in weight because i gainned mussel also.
At the start of soccer season this year i decided to join it is great fun and a good way of meeting people, im sure the coach and the other players will look after you ;D
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Last edited by EndureEmo; August 28th 2011 at 02:41 AM.
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Re: Bullied because of my weight... -
August 27th 2011, 02:53 PM
I was made fun of my weight also, in fact i still am. just try and keep your head high and try to forget what those idiots say. theyre just trying to make themselves feel better. if you ever need to talk PM me.
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Re: Bullied because of my weight... -
August 29th 2011, 12:57 PM
People pick on your weight because it's an easy thing to pick on, and it's guaranteed a reaction. Just because you're not very fit or in shape doesn't necessarily mean you're overweight. And if you arenm't overweight, you don't have to LOSE weight. Make sense?
Basically, they're probably one of -those- people who shoot others down on anything to make themselves feel better. Don't let it get to you.
If you want to lose weight, make sure you do it in a healthy way! Eat more healthily, don't snack, do exercise etc. Like someone said above - walking, jogging and running are some of the best forms of exercise you can do. You don't have to start at an hour a day. Do 10 minutes a day for a week, then 20 minutes a day for the next week. Eventually, you'll be running marathons
Nobody's perfect, and some people just use other peoples' insecurities to upset them. Try and ignore the. I know it's hard, but it's the best way to get through it.
Keep your chin up lovely, and if you ever need to talk, I'm here <3
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Re: Bullied because of my weight... -
August 30th 2011, 03:30 AM
People can suck big time. People who have never been overweight have no idea what it is like to be over weight. I have a very slow thyroid that I need to take medication for, so needless to say I've been overweight pretty much all my life. I use to dred the mile run too....not my idea of a good time. What you need to realize tho is that you shouldn't focus on just your weight, you need to do what Kate said and think about being healthy. If you start eating different foods to be healthier, and exercise some more to be healthier the weight problem should accually take care of itself. Try to find a fruit of veggie that you like then have it around incase you want to snack on somthing. Lets face it people grab what ever is closest to them, so keep a bowl of grapes on the kitchen counter, or a bag of apple slices, or baby carrots in the fridge. If they're handy your be more likely to grabe those, and they're healthy for you to eat. Make sure you drink alot of water too.
Just remember, people who make comments on your weight, and can't accept you for who you are, aren't worth your time.
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Re: Bullied because of my weight... -
September 7th 2011, 10:47 PM
Sweetheart, you are more than welcome to talk with me =)
Don't let those girls get to you. Girls are B****es! What they say to you reflects upon them. In other words; when they called you fat, they most likely think of themselves as fat. Girls that criticize others are usually not happy with themselves. Keep your head up darling, because i bet you're the best looking one! You can write me anytime!
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