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Peer Pressure and Bullying Social pressure can take many different forms, including intimidation, bullying and even physical attacks. If you feel you could be a victim or perpetrator (who wishes to stop) of bullying, talk about it here.

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How were You Bullied? - January 18th 2009, 04:28 PM

I remember a thread like this before on TH.
Anywho, feel free to share your storie(s) here.

My Story......
Well, I was born three months early with a severe vision impairment (I'm legally blind, with glasses) that can't be fixed, and as a result, I have no control of my left pupil.

In elementary school, you know how most younger kids are. I was teased in elem. due to my left eye thing.
Middle school hit, and my best friend- J. (grrr) left me for the "Preppy" girls. We still don't talk.

Middle school wasn't the greatest.
There were a ton of Preps and Jocks in my grade, and most of them were (and still are) ass holes.
In seventh grade, J. made fun of my small chest size in front of her friends. I was kind of embarressed, and very insecure about my body.

Now, I'm in ninth grade. I've changed over the past year into a darker style. People have some-what matured, and they now leave me alone about my body.

I've been diagnosed with major depression, PTSD, and I'm a self-harmer, and all the suicide and self-harm jokes p-ss me off.

I'm very quiet, and luckily I've made some very supportive friends this year that have the same interests and music tastes as me.

Some kids on my bus gossip about me, call me "Emo" (I have a better sense of hearing to compromise for my vision impairment) and I accidentally forgot to cover my cuts, so now most of the bus knows I'm a self-harmer.

And lastly, J.G. (intials) a kid in my karate class (same grade as me) kept bashing Hawthorne Heights (my favorite band), making cutting gestures at me, and insulted me about my Emo-ness.

A few weeks ago, I was getting ready to punch him but Steve (another guy, also in my grade) held me back and then talked to J.G and now he pretty much leaves me alone now.

^^^Sorry for my ramble (story)
I just had to get that out.
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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 18th 2009, 06:12 PM

Wow, another really early preemie! ( I was three months early too, but as far as I know, I didn't have nay lasting problems because of it. )
I was homeschooled my entire life, so I managed to bypass all the usual peer bullying, but I more than made up for it with my step-dad. He never hit me or anything, but he was always telling me i was clumsy, or lazy or disrespectful...etc. so...that sucked.

(by the way...and completely off-topic--what style of martial arts do you practice? )
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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 18th 2009, 06:21 PM

in 7th grade there was this girl who started calling me names all the time and a rember this one time she pushed me it the lockers and outside of the lockers she pushed me into the wall so i pushed her off me and got into truoble because of this. When we were at my other class she wouldnt leave me alone.

And ive always been sexually harrased and bullyed by guys they just keep telling me they like me and want to go out with me...and when i said yes to this one guy if laughed and said i dont want to go out with you.. and guys just say like o my friend likes me all the time to me. I reported it in middle school and the princaple told me to get over it because it was wrong...so now i just walk away from it. but it hasnt happened since i am homeschooled now
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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 18th 2009, 06:26 PM

I don't really want to go through my whole story in detail about what I went through because its not really something I openly talk about because I find it so personal to me.

There was this one particular guy at my school who was sort of the most dominant guy and a lot of people looked up to him/were scared of him. This particular guy was one of our group of friends unfornately and a lot of my female friends had previously targeted by him. I doubt it was on purpose but maybe a better way to word it was they had crossed paths with him. Basically to cut a really long story short there was a big blow up within our group and these two lads who were best friends fell out over a girl. He blamed me and made my life hell for a fair few months. It was through exclusion, over msn, face to face. He turned a lot of people against me. I was told to go and slit my wrists, he told me a lot of things.

And that's all your getting. It wasn't horrific bullying, it messes with your head though.
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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 18th 2009, 07:26 PM

I was never constantly bullied but there was one guy who ironically ended up being the one who shattered my life. He was more of the 'quiet guy' in middle school, but he was in a lot of fights because of his gang affiliation and he's did a lot of other things I really don't want to discuss. He just is and always has been a really bad guy, to say the least. I didn't really know him personally, he just rode my bus and I talked to his brother often. Anyways, this guy was very dominant. He always liked to have control over me and I never knew why. I remember once I jokingly pushed him or something and he went crazy on my ass and pushed me against the locker and held me there. Scared the living hell out of me. I don't remember what he was saying I was in shock. And even though we were in a hallway with classrooms all around, nobody saw or did anything. It was just little random and tormenting things he would do once in a while. Until last year... But that belongs in a total other forum.

Originally joined: June 2008

" He has no remorse for his actions,
And feels nothing but pleasure.
To see her suffer is his joy-
And her innocence is his treasure. "

is this what you really want from me..?
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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 18th 2009, 09:12 PM

With me it's pretty much the same as with you.
I'm not really bullied to much, but people sometimes get at me for my interests and stuff like that. I'm kind of a shy person and people have called me emo before, too. Which makes me so mad because just because your quiet doesn't mean your emo. And just because you might be depressed doesn't mean your emo either. Emo's a style, not a person. But anyway, people in my school and just people in general my age make fun of people who self harm a lot, and people who are suicidal, and that makes me really mad and kind of even less confident. A few times people have called me a lesbian, even though I am not, because I've never had a boyfriend. I don't think there's anything wrong with not having a boyfriend at thirteen, though. I don't need a lifelong partner when I'm barely a teenager. But, anyway, yeah, those are basically the things people have done to me. & A lot of times people will come up to me during school and ask me if I'm emo/depressed/whatever in front of a huge group of their friends, and that always gets on my nerves big time. Also, a lot of people think that I'm some kind of freak and they won't come near me at all and they act like two year olds and talk about me behind my back and stuff like that.

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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 19th 2009, 02:14 AM

My general attitude has become -- other people deserve nothing from you, neither your respect, or your attention, until they prove they deserve it. My friends deserve my attention and my respect, they proved they're good people. People here deserve both attention and respect, because they offer and ask for help, two of the hardest things to do.
I was bullied a little in primary school. People would insult me, exclude me, or occasionally hit me, because despite being the biggest girl in my year, I was not a fighter. I barely ran!!!
Secondary School, everything kicked off. Name calling, insults about my weight, my appearance, Told to go and die, or make myself throw up, all sorts of LOVELY things! I get randomly hit, never full on fights, but someonne will randomly hit me, kick me, punch me, trip me over, all that jazz on site. Guys like to touch me. Whereever they can put their hands. I hate it.
I was put in councelling after I SHd for the third time, and a teacher found out. They never knew about my suicide attempts. My eating habits were also -very- screwed for a short period.
But I don't plan to let the bullies know they won!! And I'm now working really hard to change my attitude, and love myself, for myself.

Never let them ruin a day, never let them take your moment. This is your life you're living, they need to get over that. Get over themselves. Be yourself, and be that way with pride. You are, who you are, and that is what you deserve to be.
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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 19th 2009, 03:19 PM

I was bullied in primary school by a 'friend' of mine. I was about 8/9 at the time and she used to tell me how horrible I was and that I didn't deserve any friends and used to say my mum didn't love me and nasty things like that. It really stopped any kind of self confidence and I hated being me.

Then in secondary school I was bullied in year 7 for being a 'goth' as they said I was. I was called "tree trunks" and "thunder thighs" for ages just because i'd started puberty early and all of the weight went to my thighs. Then about a year later when people found out I was SHing I got called all the names under the sun for being a cutter and always got told to slit my wrists. It was horrible

And then got bullied in my last psych unit. It was nasty. I dont want to go in to it.
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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 19th 2009, 04:26 PM

I was bullied in secondary school by a girl that was in our group of friends. We were all good friends, I dont know why she chose to target me. It was really hard, because she knew how to get to you, but she did it in a way that was kind of funny to anyone else but not if you were in the firing line. One of the worst things were my other friends laughing along. She was also really sneaky cause shed constantly get at me non stop for around a week, til she knew I couldnt take it anymore, then stop for a while, then do it again. When no one else was around/looking she used to just push me or shove into me and things like that, just by 'accident'. I dont really want to go into any more detail, but she basically made my life hell for a couple of years.
Its hard to explain..reading that back it makes me sound so weak.

And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but its sinking,
racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older,
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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 19th 2009, 04:35 PM

i was bullied from roughly year one in primary school so thats 11 years and counting i still get bullied but i try to ignore it, when i got into high school which i guess is roughly middle school for americans i started to realise i could control it and stop by taking my own life so i started trying and have been hooked ever since generally by ODing and i started s/hing at around 1 and have been trying to quit for nearly a year and the longest i've managed so far is 3 weeks but yea i got bullied cause i'm fat and i apparently look a man


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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 19th 2009, 04:46 PM

I was bullied in Kindergarten, but since I was taken out and homeschooled, it stopped for a time.My sister bullied me for years.But when I started working, three years ago, I started getting bullied again. Don't really like to talk about it, but the bullying is everything from shoving me to sexual harassment to teasing and comments and such.Mostly stopped now though.

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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 19th 2009, 05:36 PM

Well... I've been bullied a few different ways.

1. Elementary: General teasing and making me feel like shit, which ended with me moving to a different school.
2. Middle: Pranked in several different ways. The butt of a lot of jokes. This also started a lot of the physical bullying I had to endure. One in particular, my life was threatene. But that's a long story.
3. Middle/High: I actually endured a lot of physical and mental abuse from my brother. It got to the point where I was scared to come home from school in the afternoon for fear of what he would do to me. My parents couldn't help because they never saw it and didn't believe me.

I didn't really go into details. You can ask if you'd like. Bullying sucks. But I've learned to live with what happened into the past and made it a positive for who I am now. I hated that it happened, but since it did, you should make the best out of it, right?
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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 19th 2009, 06:07 PM

anorexic- since 3rd grade, lots of angrey little snots saying mean things, just because I'm thin.
cannibal- I'm not kidding, some kids wouldn't talk to me last year because of this. I was told it came from the rumor that I'm writing a book about killing two girls [they think their that cool?]
Cutter- No one at school knows I cut, so this is based on my 'dark' style, I'm called, wrist-slitter, emo bitch, etc. Then there are those mean girls who shove me in the hallway or just hit.
My theory is to laugh at the bullys, the rumors, and all the drama.
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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 19th 2009, 10:01 PM

I dont like bringing up memories from my past but ill tell my story here either way. In elementary school grades 1-3 i was overweight and kids would make fun of me all the time but i lost so much after 4th grade and the kids stopped. In 8th grade some girl used to make fun of me because of the way i walked (i was born with a crooked left foot so i walk differently) and she would tell me in the hallways ( hey girl you know you walk funny and then she would do an impression of it and she would start laughing with her friends. Then in summer school of that year some kid would say that i should lose some weight.then finally high school...im a senior now but throughout all of my high school education i have gotten bullied. People would make fun of me ( and they still do) because im quiet and dont say much in class even my teacher in 11th grade,she would pick on me. The weird thing is that im not the only quiet person in my classes but anywho people would also say things like "hey youre hot/sexy"
but would laugh at me. So i have basically gotten harrased also. The rest of the bullying...i rather not talk about it. I honestly just want to know why i have always been the target of bullying. Im going into my last semester of high school and hopefully just hopefully college is better for me. The funny thing is that ive been bullied so much that i pretty much have gotten used to all of it and it doesnt suprise me when something else happens to me.
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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 20th 2009, 08:54 AM

I was bullied all the way through primary school...although I did my best not to admit it at the time. It wasn't anything serious - teasing, mostly, and the rest of my class basically acted as if I didn't exist. I was the freak, geek, weird kid - still am, but I've learned to enjoy it . I was really shy at that point - REALLY shy, I hardly talked to anyone. So I probably acted as if they didn't really exist either =P I wasn't a happy kid, but it's only now I'm starting to realise that the tiny, stupid little things actually stuck with me. If someone asks me to introduce myself now, my first response is 'Amy. Probably human. Bit weird, pretty boring, shy, geeky. But I don't bite.'

I agree with Lilly - laughing about it really helps. I have a few good friends who always cheer me up, too. And talking back. Being the Quiet Kid, it's sooo funny seeing the looks on people's faces when you swear right back at them =D

wir sind wie Eisblumen, wir blühen in der Nacht
we are like iceflowers, we bloom in the night
wir sind wie Eisblumen, viel zu schön für den Tag
we are like iceflowers, far too lovely for light
wir sind wie Eisblumen, kalt und schwarz ist unsere Nacht
we are like iceflowers, our night is cold and dark
Eisblumen blühen in der Nacht
iceflowers flower in the night
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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 20th 2009, 09:39 AM

I went through a stage of being bullied at the beginning of year 9. Again, like others have already said, this isn't something that I take openly about to anyone. I was once followed home by three lads from my school who later got excluded and I was accused of telling our head and getting them into trouble and things pretty much started from there. I was a bitch, a slag, and because my hair is naturally ginger that was always something else that got picked out. I think what made it so difficult for me was that one of the main lads who was involved is someone that I have known since, well, as long as I can remember. I had to stand with him when my mum spoke to him, and I just couldn't face anything for a while.
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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 20th 2009, 10:02 AM

I used to get called names for my hair colour, and th fact i had glasses. I was a weakling then. Dont stand for it now, but i've only just started being like this.
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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 20th 2009, 04:23 PM

I was bullied in infant school because I had social problems (I didn't know what was appropriate to say and what wasn't) also I was quite ill so I had trouble making friends as I had a lot of time off. Then in juniour school I still had the social problems, and I hit puberty at the age of 7, which led to a lot of teasing, exclusion etc. Most of the people from my old school went to my new secondary. They told people there that I was a freak etc. and when I was in year 7/8 I was diagnosed with epilepsy and asthma, which led to a lot of verbal bullying. I was also called ugly, fat, stupid, and generally excluded from groups. I am now in college, nothing has happened like this, I went to college sufficiently far away that only 2 people from my old school were in the entire place. I love it and I have great friends who would rip anyone who upset me apart.

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can't touch it, or buy it, or lock it up tight
but its there just the same
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Re: How were You Bullied? - January 21st 2009, 02:40 PM

I was born 3 months premature as well... and technically I was dead with no oxygen and shizzle
I started getting bullied in primary school for the birthmarks on me, and then all the injection scars i have on my hands and stuff from when i was born.
Then i was bullied more and more, for being unpopular and slightly 'weird'
People never seemed to stop, and people never listened when I tried to say so i began to stay quiet, i ended up going through laser surgery to get rid of one birthmark and some of my other birthmark because I couldn't take it anymore.
I went to secondary school, and was bullied for my face, my body my music taste, literally everything. And still am, I was cyber bullied online for no reason and the next day I went to school in fear and was beaten up after school. When my head of year found out she punished me, and when I tried to tell her about how it started she just didn't want to know. Still bullied at school to this day and on the bus. But no one at school seems to listen or care. And now I believe its my fault all these things happen. It gets me so down and sometimes to the point I feel like its better off being invisible or not here.
Anyone else feel the same?

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Re: How were You Bullied? - February 13th 2009, 02:40 PM

I've always been "the fat kid".
You know which one I mean; the one in school who everyone refers to as "the fat kid" because nobody knows them by name, but every knows they're overweight. I've been that kid for 11 years.
So I guess for me it's always been the comments about my weight, the typical "SLIM FAST!" shouted down the hallway, or being called "Sour Milk" because I'm "white and chunky" (albeit bullying, that was rather clever).
And they also love to rag on me cos' I'm a divorce product and they love to tell me that my dad doesn't love me, and that I was an accident. (My dad's not very involved in my life, and they know it)
And it sorta sucks because nobody around this little hick-town of mine seems to give a flying F**K about it. You hear it all the time...
"if you ever have a bullying problem, tell a..."
(guidance counselor, principal, teacher)
And it's stupid 'cos I've been going to them for years, and it's gotten me nowhere. Anyone feel like sometimes these guys side WITH the bullies 'cos "they've had a rough time/life" so they "deserve the sympathy or a bit of a break."?
So we're just expected to cut them some slack?

That crap doesn't fly with me.
I don't care how rough someone's life has been. There's no reason for this...
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Re: How were You Bullied? - February 13th 2009, 05:23 PM

Since I was homeschooled I didn't have as many opportunities as regular schooled gets to make fun of, but partially because of the fact that I was homeschooled helped me get made fun of on several occasions, still does, but it's easy to take considering the guy who makes fun of me and my friend for it wants to be a historian, and he only just recently found out that Stalin was alive during WW2

But, regardless of being homeschooled, I didn't have any friends for most of my time in the equivalent of elementary and middle school. So I had to hang out with my brother and his friends all the time, and they made fun of me constantly, and as weird as it is, it affects me even now because I have such low selfesteem, that I kind of freak out when people compliment me on something.
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