October 22nd 2024, 08:50 AM
I'am 14 years old and I'am Being Cyber Bullied cause first They started out as Internet Friends that I met at Online High School and now they say really Mean and very Nasty things about me like I'am Too Ugly and Too Skinny with no Breasts.
My bullies also say that Goths smell really Bad and are Losers but I don't Care what They say about me being Gothic but now They say That they will Beat Me up/Steal My Medicine and that is what has me deeply Worried.
Most of my annoying Bullies are other Girls and They say that My Family is White Trash Hillbillies. They also say that I don't really have Sezuires and Headaches and that I'am Pretending for Attention but I'am really Sick and I need My Meds.
Last edited by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯; October 23rd 2024 at 12:54 AM.
Reason: Merging three consecutive posts