Hello Elsa,
Welcome back to TeenHelp. I'm very sorry for your past experience with TeenHelp, this isn't what we want our members to experience when they visit our site.
We strive to make TeenHelp as safe and supportive as possible for our members. Safety is central to everything we do; we absolutely do not tolerate bullies on the site.
To support this we have developed a comprehensive
Safety Zone, to enable you to gain information you need;
Terms of Services, which outlines clear rules all members must follow; and feedback system and
complaints procedure so you can share concerns and resolve issues on the site.
I am not familiar with your specific situation of what may have happened in the past, however if you have had issues please reach out to myself or another Staff members to discuss your concerns with us. We will work with you resolve issues so you feel safe on the site.
From what you've said, it seems like you have further ideas in addition to what we are already doing, so please share these and we'd be delighted to look at them.
Kind regards,