I've been bullied FOREVER for being on the autism spectrum and it's starting to get on my nerves. I've been having suicidal thoughts for quite some time and even though they've never escalated, they've never gone away either.
Of course, since my sister can't keep her mouth shut, everyone knows I'm suicidal.

I've been approached by lots of people saying I'm being selfish because members of the
LGBT community kill themselves all the time and I'm begging for attention. (And my gay friend tells me not to listen.

) I've even been told that becoming a lesbian would make me a better person! Um... I'm not exactly sure that's how it works. >_> And on top of that, everyone mocks me for waving my hands around or banging my wrists together (I do that when I have too much energy) and just all around being weird.
But yeah, I'm starting to wonder if killing myself would be the easy way out even if I know I'll never have the courage to do it. I know it sounds like I'm overreacting, but I think going through it for seventeen years kind of pushes you over the edge. @_@ What should I do?