Peer Pressure and Bullying Social pressure can take many different forms, including intimidation, bullying and even physical attacks. If you feel you could be a victim or perpetrator (who wishes to stop) of bullying, talk about it here.
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Bullied for having a different opinion -
December 29th 2015, 06:25 AM
I am not sure if anyone of you know of a youtuber by the name of [edited] (her real name is Mira) For those of you dont I will give a quick run down and this all started with her.
About a year ago or so, She was accused of making puppet accounts on youtube and harassing other youtubers. (Which I am not completely convinced she did, even if she did I want to forgive her, thats just what I believe in and the type of person I am) A youtuber that she was supposedly harassing made a video and presented a bunch of 'evidence' that seem to suggest she did it. She made a response video. I watched both videos very extensively, went through all the evidence, did my own research and at the end of it all, I am not convinced that she is guilty of what they are trying to accuse her of but like I said even if she did, I am going to forgive her because I believe in Jesus and the Bible and forgiveness since it is now a year later.
They even have a whole section of a forum and chat room. They post what she posts on twitter, the videos she uploads and things she blogs on her blog and proceeds to make fun of her and ridicule her.
I happened to go into their chat room and tried to nicely explain to them my point of view. (this was about 3 days ago) and for 3 straight days, i have been getting a lot of bullying and abuse that include and are not limited to the following:
Being told i should go to hell, that I should kill myself. that I am an unattracrtive, fat neckbeard loser and have no friends and am alone and dont have girlfriend and that I am obsessed and have a crush on her. When I explained that I am defending her expecting nothing in return and only doing it because I care and that I do have a girlfriend, they then proceeded to say I am retarded for defending her, that I am a baby and that my girlfriend probably doesnt exist and that I have a pillowcase that I hug and thats my gf... When I explained that I believe in the Bible and forgiveness and that even if she did what she did I am forgiving her and givnig her a chance the admins then banned me.. all this for having a different opinion. They then proceeded to fish out my facebook and twitter profile and then posted a picture of me on their forums and started to again insult me for my looks on there. Also today, they PSed images of me and her together and made various nasty images out of my pictures.
I dont know what to do I wish someone could help me explain to them that none of what they think and say is true and that I have a different opinion and that they should respect it/
Last edited by hocus pocus; January 7th 2016 at 03:39 AM.
Reason: Removing identifying information.
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Re: Bullied for having a different opinion -
December 29th 2015, 12:24 PM
I think people should learn to distance themselves from online bullcrap and not spend so much time and energy fighting over things that matter very little. Obviously they need to get a life. Me saying that, simultaneously implies that you should too (it's the logical train of thought here). I'm sorry if that's rude. You're clearly a better person than them, and should try and spend your time around people who appreciate it instead of mental midgets. Don't get worked up by imbeciles who can't say even one sentence which doesn't look something like "u Dunt Kno mE, Im punch u down lika tree u stupid **** **** mother**** ***". Everyone knows the type.
Say what you have to say, it's good that you stand up for what you think is right. There will be people who disagree with you, but if they do it in a hysterical tantrum... then don't even waste time reading it. I'm bored of that kind of stuff. I don't even find it funny anymore. When I see it in comments sections my brain literaly switches off like it does when adverts run on TV.
In fact, responding to that kind of retarded gibberish usually makes it worse. It seems like that is exactly what happened to you.
My advice: ignore it. You can try "explaining" to them those things, but they're probably too stupid to understand it, or too egocentric to make an effort to understand it.
And another piece of advice: use anonymous aliases online. They should have never been able to dig out your facebook and twitter profiles simply by knowing your youtube name. I use a slightly modified version of my real name of facebook. I've stopped using twitter, and on youtube... I rarely comment, but when I do it is under a completely separate email and fake name.
"I don't care about politics"
Then politics doesn't care about you either. Truth. You've got to make your voice heard, if you want to be listened to. But that's too logical for some people, so let me go a step further. Not making your voice heard, leaves other people free to hijack it by speaking on your behalf, even if they don't actually give a shit about you. That's politics. So, make your voice heard. That's not a quote from anywhere. That's just me.
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Re: Bullied for having a different opinion -
December 30th 2015, 12:38 AM
I agree with what was said above; it's best to distance yourself from this kind of thing. You're right in that you're entitled to your own opinion, but everyone else is entitled to their own opinions as well and not everyone will agree with you. I am proud of you for standing up for your beliefs and explaining yourself, but it seems as though it caused more harm than good. Don't feel as though those people deserve an explanation because they do not, especially if they're going to be disrespectful about your opinion. People are going to disrespect your opinion but you cannot control them, you can only control yourself and I think you should back away from this. It's probably tempting to look at what they're saying about you but try not to. I was verbally attacked on an anonymous app a few months ago and I felt better when I stopped looking at what people were saying about me.
I also agree with what has been said about your accounts online. You have to be careful on the internet because it's easy to use your name to find several accounts with different information about you. I only have two accounts with my real name attached to them. One is an email account and the other account is used for therapy. They both are, actually. Maybe you can consider making new accounts or taking some steps to make sure you're safe online.
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