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cyber bullied over music... idk -
August 31st 2013, 01:35 PM
ive always liked heavier music but I never really felt as if I could freely express that to people in fear of being judged. not long ago I started listening to that music openly and found that even though most people I know didn't like the same kind of music they didn't really mind and it made no difference to them.
soon I was connecting with people who liked the same bands I did over the internet on twitter and such. no one minded me liking that music either and i made a lot of friends through liking the same bands and such.
recently i was chatting with a girl on twitter about a band and if you don't know on twitter everyone sees everything you write unless you privately message someone. within 1 minutes of our conversation we were receiving hate from people from jehovah witnesses (idk if i wrote that correctly sorry) telling us that we were devil worshippers and that we were listening to satans music and that we were sinning we were gonna rot in hell etc etc.
i personally don't have one strict religion i kinda gather little bits of other religions and form my own beliefs. i don't really know much about the particular religion these girls were from but im kind of insulted and i was wondering if listening to heavier styles of music is actually sinful.
sorry this is so long idk its affecting me negatively though and i thought someone on here might be able to give me answers SORRY
Re: cyber bullied over music... idk -
August 31st 2013, 02:18 PM
Hey lahra,
I'm sorry that this has happened to you.
I will reserve judgement about religion (actually, I won't: this sort of thing is exactly why I get so annoyed by it) however it's also not acceptable that you should feel unable to express yourself freely.
Your musical tastes are yours, and it's not right that you feel unable to express them fully.
In terms of Twitter, you can (and should) click here to Report Abuse from the user(s) making hate speech about your tastes.
I hope you feel able to continue listening to the music you like, as it is a right you have.
Re: cyber bullied over music... idk -
August 31st 2013, 06:15 PM
First off
I like the way you base your beliefs. Seeing that I do the same thing.
Second off they don't deserve to judge you. They don't know whats "demonic" unless they're God. Clearly they forgot the judging is left to God
You're music is not devil worshipping music. You can listen to whatever you want and they can kick rocks because they shouldn't be pronouncing your damnation. They're lowlives for stalking your twitter anyway.
Re: cyber bullied over music... idk -
September 3rd 2013, 07:42 PM
Whatever you choose to listen to is up to you. They may consider what you listen to is sinful but that's their own belief and opinion just like yours is something else. You like what you like, you can't change what you like. Enjoy what you like no matter who tells you otherwise. In my personal opinion, because I disbelieve in such things like Jehovah's Witnesses believe, I disagree that listening to heavy or death metal is sinful. Music is initself, a way of expression, each person interprets and relates each song as they see fit. It doesn't matter what genre of music you like so long as you yourself are the one that enjoys it. Don't try changing what you like or consider anything else besides what you believe to be right.
Re: cyber bullied over music... idk -
September 8th 2013, 10:07 AM
in sorry that people are judging you because of the music you like I don't se how the music you listen to has ANYTHING to do with what you belive in I mean it can tell what preferance and mood you are in iv never herd of it telling what you belive in my friends mum judges me because I listen to rock rap and metal they think in bad news when I probably one of the nicer people in life so I just laugh it of plus if they where real christians I don't think they should judge anyone that's bad acoarding to my freinds dad so don't feel bad its your life F*** what others think of it
Re: cyber bullied over music... idk -
September 8th 2013, 07:12 PM
first of, sorry that this happened. but that is kind of stupid. i mean, it's your type of music. if you wanna like it, then like it. don't let the others get to you. Just keep your head held high and ignore them. and FYI Heavy music isn't sinful. my sister listens to it. Trust me. They just want to get to you. but they can't change you. Stay Strong hun xoxo
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~ Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones
~ Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones: Here We Go Again
~ Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones: What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger
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