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Bibliophile January 12th 2009 04:40 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
I'm reading Breaking Dawn again.
And GCSE guides are taking up most of my life,wonderful.

xxxskittlesxxx January 13th 2009 08:16 AM

Re: What I'm reading now.
i are reading Torey hayden - the tiger child!
Torey hayden books are beast! :D

Dustin January 13th 2009 11:37 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
Trainspotting.... so far it is a very good book.

Haunter January 13th 2009 11:39 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
Thirteen Reasons Why
Jay Asher


Banshee Prince January 14th 2009 05:21 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.

InSovietRussiaORGASMGotU January 14th 2009 05:45 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
Mutants: On Genetic Variety and the Human Body by Armand Marie Leroi
It's not a textbook, it's a narrative on various genetic disorders, the genetic code, some history of discoveries, etc... .

Here's the cover of it: http://images.booksamillion.com/cove...0142004820.jpg

Although now, it's back to reading Fundementals of Human Anatomy and Physiology.. 1100+ page book (another 1000+ page book on the bookshelf)...

Sissa January 14th 2009 05:48 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.

Briana January 14th 2009 06:08 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
I am reading Marley and Me because Marley is seriously just like my dog!

The next thing in line to read is Perfect (reading it again for the hundreth time woot).

Debaser January 14th 2009 06:33 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.


Allons-y! January 16th 2009 10:16 AM

Re: What I'm reading now.
Les Miserables (woe is me that I've forgotten the shortcut for accents) by Victor Hugo
It reminds me a bit of A Tale of Two Cities.

I came across a copy of the Barnes & Noble Classics booklist. There are around 200 books on it, and I'm trying to read 50 in 2009. That's roughly a book a week, and I'm doing pretty good. So far, I've read Pride and Prejudice, The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories, and Les Miserables.

Prozac January 16th 2009 12:00 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.

Stacey January 16th 2009 04:51 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
I'm reading Animal Farm at the moment. :)

Melody Pond January 16th 2009 04:54 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.

bitesize January 16th 2009 05:01 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
The Gossip Girl Novels.
Deep, I know. ;)

DeletedAccount107 January 17th 2009 09:27 AM

Re: What I'm reading now.

Originally Posted by ArtsyyRainbow (Post 7339)

Oh my goodness. One of my all-time favorite books, it's AMAZING!

Currently I am reading Thirteen Reasons Why, Purpose For The Pain, and Julius Caesar. I have yet to touch The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie. (:

I also want to buy a few new books today if I can convince my mom to take me to Barnes & Noble!

emerson January 17th 2009 11:57 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.

very good.

wow, everyone's reading Anne Frank, lol.

And I'll also be reading
right after exams. <3 i couldn't help it. but from what i have read, it's actually pretty good.

Sissa January 18th 2009 05:23 AM

Re: What I'm reading now.

*Faith* January 18th 2009 05:39 AM

Re: What I'm reading now.


Heart-Shaped Box January 18th 2009 10:08 AM

Re: What I'm reading now.


Sissa: Ooh, is "The Bell Jar" any good? :o I've been wanting to read it in, like, forever, but I keep putting it off. The story of my life. :p

Skeleton January 18th 2009 10:21 AM

Re: What I'm reading now.

HerCozyLies January 18th 2009 03:48 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.

Originally Posted by ArtsyyRainbow (Post 7339)

This book is AMAZING! Straight/bi/gay/lesbian, I recommend it to everyone!

Living Poetry January 18th 2009 03:58 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
Dr. Franklin's Island

St.Vincent January 18th 2009 04:20 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
This book has been very time-appropriate for the issues I'm dealing with right now.

Hyper Sonic January 19th 2009 08:48 AM

Re: What I'm reading now.

myheartbait January 19th 2009 04:45 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
I just finished Invitation Only, from the Private series. I absolutely love it!:grin:

Barbed Lungs January 20th 2009 04:04 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
1 Attachment(s)
Good book so far ^.^

Blackwing January 20th 2009 05:01 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
Reading book called Holes interesting.

laurax January 20th 2009 05:36 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
omg you people are after my heart. i love:
Prozac Nation
Tiger Child
Pride and Prejudice
Murder of Bindy Mackenzie (i also bought the OTHER edition called Becoming Bindy Mackenzie cuz i didnt know it was the same one!)
and tahts just on this page!

im reading:
A Storm of Swords (EPIC fantasy novel, book 3 of Song of Ice and Fire, George R R Martin)
Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac
Waltzing the Cat
New Moon.

Angilea. January 20th 2009 08:02 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
I read that in my junior year..loved it! :]

Gaia January 21st 2009 11:30 AM

Re: What I'm reading now.
Chicken soup for the Soul: A fourth helping
And I'm crying all the time... it's just so moving *sobs*

Casey. January 21st 2009 11:59 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
Mein Kampf- Adolf Hitler. Pretty hard to get in to, although it is amazing when people go "Who?".
Also- Eclipse again, and still reading The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, and Rereading Speak.

Perplexity January 22nd 2009 04:07 AM

Re: What I'm reading now.

Originally Posted by EDGE (Post 25460)
Reading book called Holes interesting.

I LOVE that book! Haha. I had to read the book in my English class last year, and I really ended up enjoying reading it. Good book, in my opinion.

I'm currently reading The Host by Stephenie Meyer. :)

Melody Pond January 22nd 2009 12:26 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.

Augenblick January 22nd 2009 01:33 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
Romeo and Juliet...Shakespeare, intellectual, huh? :P The main characters both get on my nerves majorly, though...they're so soppy!

SillyEvee January 23rd 2009 11:25 PM

Re: What I'm reading now.
I liked Romeo an Juliet! Not the characters, though, I can agree with you there. You have to look at them in a different way though. Imagine they were being acted out. You miss a lot when all you can do is read their lines. I imagine it's much better live.

Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrel by Sunan Clark and
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe for school.

KnightSniper January 24th 2009 09:43 AM

Re: What I'm reading now.

Much love for the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" <3

Too bad Adams died before he could finish his newest book :(

Barbed Lungs January 24th 2009 05:43 PM

Re: What I\'m reading now.
I\'m currently reading a number of books at the same time, which I dont usually do but i got some new books that were too interesting to leave untill i\'d finished my original book ^.^
The Virgin Suicides - Jeffrey Eugenides
The Bell Jar - Sylva Plath
Cutting It Out; A Journey Through Psychotherapy and Self Harm - Carolyn Smith

Briana January 24th 2009 06:08 PM

Re: What I\'m reading now.
I just bought a whole bunch of books today!
The one I am reading now is:
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

-Dreamer January 25th 2009 08:45 AM

Re: What I\'m reading now.
I\'m in the middle of "Go Ask Alice". It is a true story, apparently. Some people don\'t think it is. I think it is very good! Very gripping and shocking.

I don\'t read many books but I have a few I would like to read.

Jack January 28th 2009 01:04 AM

Re: What I\'m reading now.
Lord Arthur Savile\'s Crime -Oscar Wilde

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