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Buddy Read - June 20th 2021, 05:17 AM

Is anyone interested in reading a book together and discussing it. Similar to book club but less structured. Just picking a book - It'd be fantasy - And discussing it. We could break down how we read it like 100 pages a day, 5 chapters a day or just read at our own pace and discuss in spoilers. I might be able to create a direct message thread on discord and include those who are interested.

I'd love to do a book club one day but there's a lot going on and this would be easier. I can share a list of books I'm planning to get to next month if you all are interested

Along with this, I have a fantasy series I want to read. It's rather large and I was thinking we could read one book a month and discuss. Its Robin Hobbs series and ideally I'll start it next month. The books do get progressively larger. I've heard they're sad and I don't know the triggers so you'd have to enter at your own risk.

We could also start with a smaller series. There's seven books but it's two separate series. Malice bt John Gwynne.

Feel free to suggest other books or series.

Let me know.

I'm focusing on fantasy because that's what I read and enjoy most.

I would be willing to try other books as well but I'm more fantasy reading this year

Last edited by DeletedAccount69; June 20th 2021 at 05:40 AM.
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