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Books and Literature Use this forum to discuss books, plays, poetry, authors and more from around the world.

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  (#1 (permalink)) Old
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Book recommendation ideas - February 22nd 2021, 04:52 AM

Black author series:

Books I've read- Done
Books that have been recommended or on my radar: Fiction and non fiction

Indigenous Authors
Mexican Authors
Asian Authors - I think Indian Authors would fall under this too but not sure

Disability Rep/Authors - This one is iffy for a few reasons - There aren't a ton of books, many of the books don't have good rep, I don't read a lot of contemporary and so don't read a lot of books with disabled characters.

Mentel Health Representation: I'd have to research... I've read a lot but many years ago. Might have to reread some to determine the triggers.

LGBTQIA Representation/authors

I'm also thinking about one day doing self published authors but only just getting into that and the book that started it is... Not appropriate

If anyone has suggestions feel free to let me know. I can add them to the list or let you know the barriers that might exist.
  (#2 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Book recommendation ideas - March 1st 2021, 09:09 AM

I am going to be doing a book recommendation on books about self harm. Hopefully it will feature this year but I need to read the books. My hope is that there will be at least 6 books on the list. I'll have to read all six.

I might do one on Eating disorders and one on mental illness.

I also want to do one on self published Young Adult novels. I will have to read them and find them and my goal is for there to be six. I think this one is more likely to get published first because I primarily read Fantasy.
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