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Books and Literature Use this forum to discuss books, plays, poetry, authors and more from around the world.
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 7th 2017, 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by ~Abibliophobe~
What do you think of this novel?
It was a good distraction. I don't really like the way suicide was handled but I did relate to some of the thoughts the characters had.
Now I'm reading this.
If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 9th 2017, 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by Cassado
It was a good distraction. I don't really like the way suicide was handled but I did relate to some of the thoughts the characters had.
Now I'm reading this.
Yeah, I agree, I didn't like the way suicide was portrayed but I related to both of the main characters to a certain extent.
You are going to have to let me know what you think of that book. I thought the way the author wrote about self harm .... was done really well...but I felt the novel as a whole kind of fell flat.
I am going to try and start:
Edit: I could not get into the above book. It was just so slow and the author was rambling. It was also close to 500 pages and I could not see myself slogging through it. Someone else might actually enjoy it. I also might have been able to slog through it if I hadn't just finished reading two very boring books.
Here is what I am going to attempt to read later tonight:
Last edited by DeletedAccount69; June 10th 2017 at 03:16 AM.
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 11th 2017, 05:04 PM
The bed and breakfast star by jaqueline wilson. I have a reading age of about 14-15 years old.
'There will be bad days, there will be good days, there will be really bad days, and really good days, and days that are not bad or good but just simply suck, but either way you got through it and you are here today and that is all that really matters''
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 11th 2017, 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by ~Abibliophobe~
Read only half of the other book and got bored. Going to try and start this at some point today even if I just read one chapter.
When I chose this, there was another book I really wanted to read. However, that book is like 650 pages so I was hesitant. Anyway, I read a bit of The Winter People and knew I wouldn't enjoy it because I wanted to read the other book.
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 13th 2017, 03:36 PM
Half a King by Abercrombie. It was really dull at the beginning; I'm at the end now and it's not that bad, to be frank. Quite predictable, but readable. I believe the style of writing isn't great because it was poorly translated (I'm not reading the original version). So, overally, I guess it's okay.
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 14th 2017, 09:07 PM
I am honestly having a relatively crappy reading month. Everything I have read this month except for two books have been a three star rating or lower...mostly lower.
There are two books I have recently heard of that I am going to give a try. The first one is:
Is about 600 pages but it's a mass market paperback and I tend to read those faster.
I was able to finish the above book (it was a 4.5 star read) and now I am starting this:
I have heard some really good things about this novel but I always get nervous when a book is hyped because I tend to not like a lot of over hyped books. However, one of the people who mentioned really liking it on booktube has felt the same way about some books that I have not liked so I am hoping for the best with this one. Not sure if I'll actually get to it tonight though. It is 1:27 am and I might try to sleep.
Last edited by DeletedAccount69; June 15th 2017 at 08:38 AM.
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 16th 2017, 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by ~Abibliophobe~
I have heard some really good things about this novel but I always get nervous when a book is hyped because I tend to not like a lot of over hyped books. However, one of the people who mentioned really liking it on booktube has felt the same way about some books that I have not liked so I am hoping for the best with this one. Not sure if I'll actually get to it tonight though. It is 1:27 am and I might try to sleep.
Oh! That's the Author of Made You Up. I'm going to add that to my list now.
Hoping to start this soon.
If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 18th 2017, 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by Cassado
Oh! That's the Author of Made You Up. I'm going to add that to my list now.
I am currently reading Made You Up. I kind of think I enjoyed Eliza and Her Monsters a tad bit more. I am only 65% through with Made You Up so that could change? But, I mean, Made You Up is actually still really good. Just not as invested in the characters but I really related to Eliza whereas the I don't really relate/connect to the main character in Made You Up.
Finished Made You Up and I actually preferred Eliza and Her Monsters. If I had read Made You Up before that book I might not have read Eliza and Her Monsters at all or it would have been a book that I would get to 'eventually'.
I am reading this now:
Last edited by DeletedAccount69; June 18th 2017 at 06:05 AM.
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 21st 2017, 09:15 AM
"Viper" by Andrzej Sapkowski in the original version ("Żmija")
When I started this book I was discouraged by a multitude of military terms. It might be interesting, true, but not if it hinders normal reading. The plot took some time to unfold, but when it did, I suddenly found myself engrossed and totally used to this military slang. The novel takes place in Afghanistan during the Soviet-Afghan war and tells the story of Pavel Levart, a member of the Soviet special forces. There is a touch of magic in the novel as well. To be honest when these magical elements first appeared I didn't like it, but then I realised they're the core of this book. Although I generally dislike mixing reality and fantasy (I prefer these genres separated), I think Sapkowski did some pretty good work this time.
I was genuinely surprised when I saw terrible opinions of this book in the web (they're like 2,5-3/5 or 4,5/10 mostly). What I believe is that these people expected another Witcher or so. No, this is not Witcher - it's something totally different and if someone was disappointed not to read about elves, sorceresses and monster killers - well, it wasn't Sapkowski's fault.
All in all, I'm enjoying this novel (156 pages in out of 230).
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 22nd 2017, 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by ~Abibliophobe~
I am currently reading Made You Up. I kind of think I enjoyed Eliza and Her Monsters a tad bit more. I am only 65% through with Made You Up so that could change? But, I mean, Made You Up is actually still really good. Just not as invested in the characters but I really related to Eliza whereas the I don't really relate/connect to the main character in Made You Up.
Finished Made You Up and I actually preferred Eliza and Her Monsters. If I had read Made You Up before that book I might not have read Eliza and Her Monsters at all or it would have been a book that I would get to 'eventually'.
I actually liked Made You Up, but it's been a while since I've read it and I read a lot of books so I can't remember exactly why. I do hope to read Eliza and Her Monsters soon though! I'll have to see if the library has it. It is nice to connect to the main character in books. Makes it a better read.
Slow with my reading lately but I am hoping to get into this and finish it soon.
If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 22nd 2017, 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Cassado
I actually liked Made You Up, but it's been a while since I've read it and I read a lot of books so I can't remember exactly why. I do hope to read Eliza and Her Monsters soon though! I'll have to see if the library has it. It is nice to connect to the main character in books. Makes it a better read.
Slow with my reading lately but I am hoping to get into this and finish it soon.
You'll have to let me know what you think of this.
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 26th 2017, 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by MyVisionIsDying
I'm re-reading The Book Thief. It's probably one of my favourite books if I'm honest. I should also watch the film when I get the chance!
I absolutely loved that book! I found a used copy at the goodwill recently and I think I might try and re-read it at some point. I saw the movie in theaters and I didn't like it too much. It came across as boring to me.
This is what I am going to read next. It is relatively short and the writing is big so I might be able to finish it tonight. Not sure what it's about really either.
Last edited by DeletedAccount69; June 27th 2017 at 03:52 AM.
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 27th 2017, 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by ~Abibliophobe~
I finished the above book and it was okay. It had pretty good themes such as realizing that nobody is perfect and that you can't really predict the future. Two things that I get stressed out about in real life. However, it didn't really do much for me. It was kind of a 'meh' read? I think Middle grade children and Young adults should read it though.
The book I am going to be reading next has been hyped on booktube and pretty much every book blog that is out there. It came out in 2016 at some point and I never got the chance to read it. It's on my TBR for July and since I have a few days left in June and nothing solid to read I am going to attempt to read it and see how I like it.
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 28th 2017, 06:12 AM
I am currently waiting for a book from the library. It says it's 'In Transit' so it could be here tomorrow or it could end up taking a bit longer than that. Anyway, I want to read the library book as soon as possible so I am currently trying to read the smaller books that are on my July TBR. The book I am going to start reading is only 256 pages. I will probably finish it tomorrow which will be great as long as the novel I am waiting to get from the library arrives. If not I have at least one other book that is below 300 pages that I can focus on. Anyway, here is the book:
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 29th 2017, 03:06 AM
I am ambivalent about this novel (it's a series) and the reason is because it has gotten so much hype and a good majority of the time I tend to dislike books that have a lot of hype. However, there are two booktubers that have rated it quite highly (one of them doesn't even tend to like the genre it is) AND I actually usually agree with the way these two booktubers have rated/felt about books.
Re: What are you reading now? -
July 2nd 2017, 11:52 PM
Did not finish The Song of Achilles. It was super boring...I didn't really care about the story and wasn't connecting with the characters and was skimming at about pg 100 and had 250 pages left. If I start skimming that early on I usually don't complete the novel because I'll end up missing too much. Also, I was at the point where the idea of wasting time to skim didn't seem appealing either.
Re: What are you reading now? -
July 4th 2017, 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by ~Abibliophobe~
You'll have to let me know what you think of this.
What We Saw was a DNF for me. I made it to about page 130, but I was too easily triggered and didn't have enough of a tolerance to read anything even vaguely close to my own experiences. I did continue to skim through and read dialogue because I wanted to see how it ended.
Going to try to read this now. I would put it off but it took weeks for me to get it and there's a waiting list after me.
If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
Re: What are you reading now? -
July 4th 2017, 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Cassado
What We Saw was a DNF for me. I made it to about page 130, but I was too easily triggered and didn't have enough of a tolerance to read anything even vaguely close to my own experiences. I did continue to skim through and read dialogue because I wanted to see how it ended.
Going to try to read this now. I would put it off but it took weeks for me to get it and there's a waiting list after me.
I hope that book doesn't prove to be too triggering. I know the first part (I believe there are three parts) was kind of graphic in regards to what she went through...but after that it got less detailed about her abuse.
Would love to know your thoughts if you are able to finish it.
Re: What are you reading now? -
July 7th 2017, 05:11 PM
I am about 28% through with this (will probably finish it up today sometime) and I am not super impressed with the writing. It's pretty mediocre. However, the characters make up for the writing and I am enjoying it and can't wait to see what happens. This book also a Bi character which is pretty cool.