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Books and Literature Use this forum to discuss books, plays, poetry, authors and more from around the world.
Re: What are you reading now? -
May 23rd 2016, 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by Evanesco
The girl with the dragon tattoo by steig larson
Did you like this? I read all three and currently have the fourth one (Believe it was written by a ghostwriter). I did like them but thought they were wordy at some points.
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 6th 2016, 04:20 AM
I just finished Attachments in one day, and now I'm reading Paper Towns and rereading The Beginning of Everything, which is one of my favorite books of all time.
"It’s not about being gay or straight. It’s about finding an ally in a sea of bullies, finding love in a storm of hatred." -Sarah Tregay
"The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive." -John Green
"I suppose these questions stormcloud over every marriage: What are you thinking? How are you feeling? Who are you? What have we done to each other? What will we do?" -Gillian Flynn
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 21st 2016, 02:43 AM
Used to read her books a lot in the past but then I stopped and trying to read all the books I've missed since then. Burned was probably one of my favorite books so I am excited to read this. Funny enough she never planned on making a sequel. Her fans talked her into it.
Gregeor the Overlander. Jordan had read it, and really enjoyed the book, so he bought the entire series for me to read.
Also, you reminded me that I used to want to read this series. The author is famous for the hunger games but I remember looking into the other stuff she had written and being curious about it. If you see this let me know if the series is any good or at least if the first book is worth the read!
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 25th 2016, 08:42 PM
So, I've started reading the Gregor the Overlander series per my husbands request, and I'm not going to life, for a children's series, it's amazing, and I honestly can't get enough.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." ~Sigmund Freud
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 26th 2016, 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by Calaer
So, I've started reading the Gregor the Overlander series per my husbands request, and I'm not going to life, for a children's series, it's amazing, and I honestly can't get enough.
I have put this on my goodreads list. I'll look into reading it later this year or next year some time.
Re: What are you reading now? -
June 30th 2016, 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by Ethereal.
Ellen Hopkins books are awesome.
Her books are so good. I am almost finished reading all the books she has written. I just have three left. I am kind of sad that she doesn't have more. Although, I believe she might be coming out with one this year.
This is the book I am reading now. It's told from the perspective of the kids from her adult novel Triangles. Some of it is kind of repetitive since I just finished triangles but it's cool reading it from their perspective.
Re: What are you reading now? -
July 20th 2016, 10:57 PM
I am also reading Brisingr by Christopher Paolini. I started it today while I was at the bookstore and am gonna keep reading two to three chapters a day until I finish it.
Re: What are you reading now? -
July 26th 2016, 01:25 AM
Finishing up the trilogy. Loved it but I know a lot of people said it kind of sucked. I am also excited for the movie even though they changed powers. Making my boyfriend take me to see it.
Re: What are you reading now? -
August 7th 2016, 04:30 PM
The Other Queen by Phillipa Gregory. It's a historical fiction about Mary Queen of Scots's time imprisoned, told from the point of view of Mary, and the husband and wife whose house she is forced to stay in. It's quite good, not sure about the writing style sometimes but the plot is very gripping (it's why I love history, it is so dramatic!)