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Re: What are you reading now? -
February 19th 2018, 11:43 PM
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Re: What are you reading now? -
February 21st 2018, 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by ~Abibliophobe~
I REALLY wanted to start this book but I ended up getting a book in my subscription boxes and I think I want to read that instead ... the problems of being a book worm.
Anyway, this is what I think I'll be reading next:
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Re: What are you reading now? -
February 22nd 2018, 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by ~Abibliophobe~
I've heard a lot of good things about Locke Lamora! I would live to hear what you think
I'm about a hundred pages into it and so far I'd say it's fine, but I'm not enjoying it very much. Since I've also heard a few positive things about LL I'm gonna keep on reading, at least for now.
Between East of Eden and LL I've also read A day in the life of ancient Rome by A. Angela. I liked it quite a lot, it's a very informative source for casual antiquity hobbyists. If it provided a bit more insight for the more curious and - neccessarily! - a map, it would be a fantastic read.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
February 24th 2018, 05:24 AM
I have heard good things about this. If I end up liking it I might end up getting this for my niece as part of her B-day gift since she hates reading and I want to TRY and get her to find a book that she enjoys.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
February 26th 2018, 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by ~Abibliophobe~
I have heard good things about this. If I end up liking it I might end up getting this for my niece as part of her B-day gift since she hates reading and I want to TRY and get her to find a book that she enjoys. 
Did not end up reading Pax. Had my book club today and will be reading:
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Re: What are you reading now? -
February 26th 2018, 09:41 PM
Do not feel like reading Good Morning, Midnight. I might come back to it later in the month but I might not. The one thing I like about my book club is we don't have to read the books.
Going to be reading:
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Re: What are you reading now? -
February 27th 2018, 07:41 PM
Was able to finish Mud Vein last night while waiting for my boyfriend to get out of an appointment. It was an okay read. There were things that I didn't like but things that I did. I think I ended up rating it a 3.75. It isn't the best thing ever written but it is an interesting read and it was quick.
Now I am going to be reading:
I have been anticipating this novel since I first heard about it in December or January!
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 1st 2018, 01:47 AM
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 14th 2018, 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by ~Abibliophobe~
Finally finished this because of a huge reading slump plus I've been dealing with a lot. It's an amazing book but exceptionally triggering for rape. I wasn't triggered but I don't tend to get triggered by much of anything.
Here's what I'll be reading next:
It's short and told in verse so I can get through it quickly. I have a book I'm waiting on from the library so I don't want to get into anything too long because I'm reading so slowly right now.
The book I'm waiting on is only like 200 pages I think.
I am actually going to try and read:
So, I think I am going to attempt this. I am in the mood to read books like this (probably due to depression and a few other things such as my own memories). The chapters are longer though (296 pages and only 14-15 chapters) so I might not be in the mood to focus on such long chapters. However, there are breaks between paragraphs so I'll have an easier time stopping in the middle of a chapter.
If I am unable to actually focus I will probably go ahead and read The Good Braider!
Last edited by DeletedAccount69; March 14th 2018 at 06:07 AM.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 16th 2018, 01:38 PM
Locke Lamora turned out pretty good. The action took a while to get going, but I started to enjoy it at some point. I decided to read the 2nd and 3rd book in the original language as I believe the translation is clumsy.
Soon I'll read Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose and then I'll move on to Caligula's biography.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 17th 2018, 06:43 PM
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 18th 2018, 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by ~Abibliophobe~
This book was disappointing. There were some things done well but the story as a whole was disappointing. Fi it had been too much longer (176 pgs) I probably would have dnfed.
I will be reading:
My book club meets tomorrow but I am not going. I will probably start this but readings been difficult so if I do not start this before finding out what book club chose I might pick up the book club book.
That being said, book club hasn't been picking all that many interesting books so I'll likely be skipping their choice.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 19th 2018, 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by ~Abibliophobe~
This book was disappointing. There were some things done well but the story as a whole was disappointing. Fi it had been too much longer (176 pgs) I probably would have dnfed.
I will be reading:
My book club meets tomorrow but I am not going. I will probably start this but readings been difficult so if I do not start this before finding out what book club chose I might pick up the book club book.
That being said, book club hasn't been picking all that many interesting books so I'll likely be skipping their choice.
I ended up making it to book club and they chose two books that I'm interested in. I'm hoping I'll be able to get through both as my reading has been up in the air. Going to start with:
It's a Cinderella retelling and I guess there is a kind of sort of lgbtq+ love story or something. Someone read it and is vague about that... Says it's there but it's mild or something. If I get through it maybe I'll review it.
Not a huge fan of retelling but I've been surprised by a few.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 21st 2018, 07:13 PM
I finished ash and I recommend it if you like re-tellings (I liked it and don't tend to like them a ton). It was only a 3 star read but it was cute, fast and fun. There were dark moments but the ending was decent.
I am going to attempt:
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 22nd 2018, 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by ~Abibliophobe~
I finished ash and I recommend it if you like re-tellings (I liked it and don't tend to like them a ton). It was only a 3 star read but it was cute, fast and fun. There were dark moments but the ending was decent.
I am going to attempt:

Let us know how it turns out.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 24th 2018, 09:23 AM
At the moment , I currently love reading books which are written by James Patterson
"Never forget what you are,the rest of the world will not. Wear it like an armor and it can never be used to hurt you."
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 24th 2018, 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by random.swirls
At the moment , I currently love reading books which are written by James Patterson 
I've read a few of his books. I think they are fun and quick reads. I want to read a few more of his as well.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 25th 2018, 11:57 AM
Presently I'm reading Iris & Ruby by Rosie Thomas.
Iris' story is told to her granddaughter who goes to Cairo looking for the grandmother she never knew, and finds a mesmerizing history that explains a lot about who she is and the family she has come from. I'm absolutely loving this book, halfway through now and it's a captivating read.
Rosie Thomas is a truly gifted storyteller. I love this book because she weaves a description of wartime and modern day Cairo which I find fascinating. Interestingly, the book is told in the first and in the third person, switching often between the two. In literature this is rarely achieved successfully, yet the craft of Rosie Thomas' writing is captivating, because she is such a skilled storyteller.
I have a feeling this book will end tearfully, but I expect Ruby like me will be enriched by her grandmother's story and find a way forward in her life like I am doing. Iris & Ruby has to be one of the best books I have read in a very long time.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 25th 2018, 02:20 PM
Started and finished this yesterday. Still stuck on the other book, haven't quite been in the right reading mood plus school.
If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts
Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
The axe forgets, but the tree remembers
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 25th 2018, 09:51 PM
This evening, a beautifully written story of the tender love by Eliza for her new friend Julia as they slowly discover what true love really means and feels like. A nice long story of 356 pages, a book so difficult to put down.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 25th 2018, 11:55 PM
I put the Undergroud Girls of Kabul down. I don't consider it a DNF because I might try and pick it up at a later date. I was about 20% into it and was struggling with caring. I am in a weird reading mood and until I get out of it this will probably happen.
I knew this book was probably going to be iffy. I don't mean that in a bad way. I just struggle with non-fiction and knew I might not be in the right frame of mind to read it. I attempted to because my book club was reading it and discussion will contain spoilers.
The writing wasn't bad but it seemed like there was some unnecessary portions that didn't contribute to the story which is what was causing me to struggle. It also seemed like portions of it were a bit dry. That might be my reading mood which is why I might try it again at a later date.
I am going to be reading:
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 26th 2018, 10:02 AM
Last January I found out that my sister Mandy and I had been sexually assaulted by an older family member, yet at the time when we were much younger we were unaware of the severity. This impacted worse on my sister than me, so I went in search of a book that was specifically written to help teen girls like us. This book was woderful. It could give other girls hope, too.
It's called The Sexual Trauma Workbook for Teen Girls: A Guide to Recovery from Sexual Assault and Abuse (Instant Help Books for Teens)
Beneath the 'Kindle Edition' box is a link called: Read with Our Free App - It enabled me to download straight to my phone. The app made it useful because nobody in my family or anyone else's family would ever find the book. Clicking on that link reveals a small box: "No Kindle device is required. Get it from the Apple App Store, or get it on Google Play, or downloaded from Windows Store, or available for Android."
Throughout last year with nobody to talk to, Mandy and I were in despair. We felt anger, shame, fear - all sorts. But this wonderful book helped us because it could be read on phones. My aunt also downloaded it for herself because she also is a survivor, so the three of us worked on it together.
Has anyone heard of a site called RAINN?
They are a support organisation for survivors of sexual violence of all kinds including sexual harassment. On their website is Telephone Hotline where victims can receive confidential support from a trained staff member.
Also, support finding a local health facility that is trained to care for survivors of sexual assault.
They will find someone to help talk you through what happened, and offer local resources to assist with next steps towards healing and recovery.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 28th 2018, 04:17 AM
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 28th 2018, 06:40 AM
I have 50 pages or so left in The Name of the Rose. Not a very passionate read, but not so bad either. Then Caligula's bio > Locke Lamora 2 & 3 > then I'll see. Probably The Trilogy by Sienkiewicz.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 28th 2018, 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by ~Abibliophobe~
I am still going to try and get to this but my library got the book I've been waiting for a lot sooner than I expected. I only read the first chapter of the above book so I am going to start the book I got today and that book is:
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 30th 2018, 12:55 PM
I am reading random parts of random books and series until my next trip to the library... Reading Divergent, Confessions series, Percy Jackson series, Heroes of Olympus series, The Naturals series, Black Ice, Bomber, Broken, Huntress and Premeditated. Just my favourite parts though...
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Re: What are you reading now? -
March 30th 2018, 02:30 PM
The Sermon on the Mount.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
April 2nd 2018, 09:22 PM

Caligula's biography by R. Auguet (sorry the cover's in my native language, I couldn't find any other proper photo). I've just finished it and it was a fascinating read. Probably not for everyone (certainly not for those who find history boring  ). It was a very unconventional view on Caligula's life and I'm content there are still books that don't rely solely on the most popular sources, such as Suetonius or Cassius Dio (which were often biased).
I'm not sure what I'll start now. I don't feel like continuing Locke Lamora, so maybe I'll pick The Trilogy by Sienkiewicz. (oh, and I need to read - finally - the most recent book of the Vespasian series by R. Fabbri, lol)
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Re: What are you reading now? -
April 3rd 2018, 08:53 AM
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Re: What are you reading now? -
April 3rd 2018, 02:53 PM
I am not reading. Not in the mood and was reading a book that will be good but had to put it down. It's a library book and I would not be able to finish it before it was due.
I'll probably try one I own.
Thinking maybe
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Re: What are you reading now? -
April 8th 2018, 12:29 AM
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Re: What are you reading now? -
April 9th 2018, 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by ~Abibliophobe~
I am about 70 pages in. I like the book okay but I am slightly bored so alongside this I am going to be reading:
I think that my biggest issue this year is that I get bored with books. Not because they are not good but because my mind wanders. My hope is that reading two or three books (I have comics coming) will help me with that. If I get bored of one I can try and focus on the other one.
I am hoping to get a few chapters of this book read and I want to try and get to page 100 of Challenger Deep.
Both cover tough topics but tough topics have been all I've wanted to read. This year seems to be the year of dark contemporary.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
April 11th 2018, 05:33 PM
I went to the library and got three books the other day, but this is the one I'm reading first!

I'm about twenty pages in and so far I'm really enjoying it. I'm hoping to have it finished by the end of the week.
(The other two are Everything All at Once by Bill Nye and Reality Is Not What It Seems by Carlo Rovelli)
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Re: What are you reading now? -
April 11th 2018, 05:47 PM
I am still reading Challenger Deep and The Dangerous Art of Blending In but I started this:
I started it because I couldn't turn the light on and needed to read on my kindle. I only got one chapter in but I might try and read one or two more later today.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
April 12th 2018, 12:17 AM
The Penguin Book of Kites by David Pelham is out of print now, but I obtained 2 paperback copis in very good condition so that Mandy and I could build kites for our youngs to enjoy flying.
Since David Pelham's paperback was last published in 1988, higher quality kite materials have been invented, such as Velcro and adhesive-backed Velcro, also carbon fibre. These and higher strength ripstop nylon has come on in leaps and bounds together with slim profiled carbon fibre struts, poles so thin but so strong can be incorporated into the most intricate of kites - and wow, haven't we had a wonderful time flying them?
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Re: What are you reading now? -
April 13th 2018, 02:48 AM
Also still reading Love, Hate and Other Filters and The dangerous art of blending in.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
April 14th 2018, 01:47 PM
Just finished this.
If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts
Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
The axe forgets, but the tree remembers
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Re: What are you reading now? -
April 14th 2018, 05:42 PM
Probably going to be reading three books for a while:
This will be the book I spend the most time reading as I'm only reading 1-2 chapters a day.
These last two are books I've been wanting to read since last year. I figure I'll give them both a try since they both sound quite good. Probably going to read a few chapters of minnow bly and I'll read one or two of the way I used to be.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
April 14th 2018, 10:04 PM
I've been reading Tudors (The History of England) as part of my BSc in Tudor History and Peter Ackroyd's insight fascinates me so much that I can't wait to pick it up every day. The author has written a vibrant history which truly brings its characters to life. The book is a gift from my aunt and guardian, it is a real tableau of life in the Elizabethan court with intrigue, love affairs and of course, politics. It's full of facts and anecdotes, but has never bored me.
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Re: What are you reading now? -
April 15th 2018, 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by Mirabelle
I've been reading Tudors (The History of England) as part of my BSc in Tudor History and Peter Ackroyd's insight fascinates me so much that I can't wait to pick it up every day. The author has written a vibrant history which truly brings its characters to life. The book is a gift from my aunt and guardian, it is a real tableau of life in the Elizabethan court with intrigue, love affairs and of course, politics. It's full of facts and anecdotes, but has never bored me.
I'm using my online degree course as part of my every day self care.

Ackroyd's Death of King Arthur is waiting on my shelf, haha I haven't read anything by this author yet, but I hope I'll enjoy it as well.
Besides, for birthday I got loads of books from my friends. Mary Beard's SPQR (yay!), Graves's Claudius and Messalina and Zafon's The Shadow of the Wind.
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