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Death, Grieving and Coping With Loss Coping with loss is difficult at any age, but you are not alone during this difficult time. Reach out to other users in this forum.

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  (#1 (permalink)) Old
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Grieving not for me... but for a friend - July 5th 2010, 07:23 AM

I might not have known this boy but he was really close to a my mom's friend's daughter who is almost like a sister to me.

On Canada day here, at around 11 PM, a 13 year old boy was killed in a car collison caused by a drunk driver. The little honda civic was side-struck on the passanger side by a Dodge truck and killed the boy instantly. His 18 year old brother/friend (my mom wasn't clear on it) was flown to Calgary hospital with serious life threatening and is now stable...

What I can't understand is that the Drive of the truck is getting less than nothing as a punishment and is already allowed to apply for bail. I can't wrap my head around our justice system and how a murder can get away with killing a 13 year old boy. Ending his life before he even got a chance to start it.

I feel bad for the family because they will never know what he could have become...

I don't know why I can't get over this and why it's making me want to cry. I didn't know this boy, or his family. But yet I am still so angry about it... How do I deal with how I am feeling? I have never felt this way before
  (#2 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Grieving not for me... but for a friend - July 5th 2010, 02:20 PM

It is OK to feel this way. Do not be afraid to cry and do not worry that you are angry. You have a right to be. Frankly, this is not uncommon when a young person dies if the person was killed in this way it can be even worse.

I am so sorry about your loss and feel free to PM me.
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