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Food and Recipes Discuss cooking, your favourite foods, and share recipes here.
"Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything, requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who beleive"
"Little by little, one walks far"
"If your going through hell, keep going"
It's my friend's bachelorette party tonight, slumber party style! We'll probably order in some pizza, and have the typical snacks - popcorn, cookies, cake, chips, maybe some fruit. Oh, and some wine or margaritas.
“Don't get too comfortable with who you are at any given time. You may miss the opportunity to become who you want to be." ~Jon Bon Jovi
I had a fresh chef salad complete with ham, turkey, hard boiled egg, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, frozen peas, cheese, ranch, and croutons. Om nom nom!
“Don't get too comfortable with who you are at any given time. You may miss the opportunity to become who you want to be." ~Jon Bon Jovi