this is a family recipe i think. i call it a family recipe because mom showed me how to make it so i guess that counts
- 7 tablespoons of butter
- 6 tablespoons of light corn syrup
- 10 1/2 ounces of chocolate chips
- 7 ounces of graham crackers crushed
- 7 ounces of whoppers (the candy)
- 7 ounces of dried cherries
okay so this is tricky because your melting chocolate but i was showed the right way to do it so you can trust me
- okay before you do anything your going to want to get a baking sheet and cover it with alumenum foil. your gonna forget this part if you do it later so do it now so you dont forget. you want to cover the bottom and insides of the pan. also make sure that you have space in the frige or the freezer to put the whole thing in. do that part now to. the sheet you want is gonna be wide but shallow
- get a pot and a bowl. the bowl has to be wide enough to fit on top of the pot without touching the water your gonna add to the pot
- the pot needs 1 or 2 inches of water in it. for me thats like the size of my thumb maybe its the same for you. boil the water first and then put the bowl on top of the pot and take it off the burner. if you dont do that then the bottom pot will explode or something because of heat and stuff
- then your gonna add the butter and the corn syrup and the chocolate chips to the bowl. you gotta melt it so keep on stirring that stuff with a spachula thats rubber. i know its gonna look and smell delicious but you dont want to eat it yet since its gonna be better at the end
- after the chips have melted down your gonna add the crackers and the whoppers. now your gonna keep on mixing this stuff until the whoppers have melted. again its gonna look really good but you gotta be patient
- once the whoppers melt put in the cherries. this is gonna be easy to mix together but dont get lazy. you dont want big pockets of nothing but cherries
- now that its all mixed good your gonna pour the stuff into the baking sheet. make sure to scrape the sides of the bowl good and flaten out the mixture so its even. you might think that you should cover it up but i found thats a bad idea since its gonna be hot. i once covered it with sirran wrap and there was all these water drops inside and it was wierd so i say dont do it
- okay now you wait a long time for it to get solid. this is where you gotta clean up your mess. your allowed to eats whats left in the bowl btw thats okay to do now
- once the stuff gets hard you get to break it. im not allowed to use a hammer but you might be able to use them. instead what im allowed to do it start from one side and bend it until it cracks and ive got a piece but if its to big i gotta break it again and put part of it back
okay so thats how you make a really good dessert really easy
just thought youd all like to know about it