Oh dear... I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. You're so young, too

I remember experimenting with different sexualities and genders too at 11. It's perfectly valid, and I feel like that's the age a lot of kids start to try and figure out who they are.
As for your mother, it may be easier to write a letter to her, like one of the users suggested. I notice a lot of parents use the excuse "you have food, water, and a room over your head" when their kids come to them about mental health issues. The thing is, mental illness can affect anyone. It's really not as simple as "I give you the basic necessities = youre happy" It's a lot more complicated. It can be due to a chemical imbalance in the brain, past experiences, arguments, or really any number of things. Just because youre unhappy does NOT mean youre ungrateful.
I'm rambling a little bit but I really just wanted to help, because I remember when I was 11 and feeling like that. Hopefully things get better for you. Don't be afraid to try new things and experiment, and don't ever change for anyone other than yourself <3