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Best friend - March 3rd 2022, 07:50 PM

Me and my best friend have had a falling out and it honestly hurts. Some days I can't reply straight back to my texts and facebook messages and he gets all cocky about it. I do apologise and he knows I have a daughter to look after. He has 2 kids himself and married. Yet he expects me to reply constantly and then he stays silent for hours. So he has the audacity to be nasty to me about not replying straightaway but then he stays silent for hours. Also every time we are supposed to meet up with the kids he makes up excuse after excuse. I don't know what to do. He is supposed to be my best friend but makes me feel bad constantly. Why is it one rule for him and another for him?
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Re: Best friend - March 4th 2022, 08:32 PM

Honestly this doesn’t seem like a healthy friendship. You said you two had a falling out but were you going to attempt to fix things? If you are I’d have a serious talk with him about how you are feeling and set clear boundaries with him. Let him know that you have to worry about your family and feel like right now this is not being understood. Let him know it’s okay if he needs to spend time with his family and you want the same respect.
If you’re not wanting to repair things or it doesn’t work out, that’s okay too. Sometimes friends come into your life and you have great memories with them, but then things are meant to end for whatever reason. It doesn’t mean that all of the great things that happened don’t mean anything anymore. It’s okay to let those memories make you smile while also looking to the future
It’s also okay to grieve the friendship. It becomes easier over time. Maybe you can write a letter that you don’t send that you use to get out any last thoughts and feel a little better. What you do with the letter after is up to you.
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Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
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