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Advice! pierced and parents dont know -
July 15th 2015, 03:33 AM
I am suppose to go on a cruise this week which requires a swimsuit, but I had gotten my belly button pierced and my parents dont know about it. Ive been hiding it for a while but its going to be difficult to do so on this cruise. Im not sure if I should just come out and tell them and face the music or try covering it up. Its really been stressing me out, especially because im not 18 yet so they would know I got it done underage.
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Re: Advice! pierced and parents dont know -
July 15th 2015, 01:56 PM
The best suggestion is to just tell them. If you really don't want to do that, a one piece usually covers mine totally to the point where a lot of my friends don't realize I have it pierced. I wear a simple ring, anything that dangles will be much more obvious. How long ago did you get it? If it's still new you shouldn't be going swimming just yet.
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Re: Advice! pierced and parents dont know -
July 15th 2015, 03:46 PM
How were you able to get it done? In my state, you can get a piercing without parental permission at age 16 because it's not a permanent thing. I definitely recommend telling them, chances are they will be upset you did it behind their backs but they will be okay with it and hopefully won't make you take it out. It's always best to be honest I've found; every time I tried to hide something from my mom, a piercing or tattoo, she always found out.
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Re: Advice! pierced and parents dont know -
July 15th 2015, 08:09 PM
Honestly, your parents will probably find out. Parents have a way of noticing these things, no matter how hard you try to hide it.
Although it's better just to tell them, I understand if you don't want to. I still haven't told my mum I have my septum pierced (I hide it by pushing it up into my nose) and I'm 20, and had it done legally at 18. If you're going to try and hide it, make sure you're looking after it. If it's not able to come out while you're wearing a swimsuit, have you had it done long enough to go swimming? Can you change the jewellery to something small and discrete?
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Re: Advice! pierced and parents dont know -
July 18th 2015, 10:16 PM
Hey there,
I think it is probably better to be open and honest with your parents because they are bound to find out. Maybe they will be mad, but they are bound to be more angry if you don't tell them and they find out by seeing it on this cruise. My mum didn't know about one of my tattoos and the over day my top came up and she saw it, and she realised she hadn't seen it before and yes she was angry but there wasn't anything she could do about it, so she had to deal with it. Due to your age your parents may ask you to take it out and if they do, unfortunately you may have to take it out and wait until you get older to get it re-done.
I wish you the best of luck,
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Re: Advice! pierced and parents dont know -
July 21st 2015, 04:06 AM
Honestly, I've learned the best thing to do is to be honest. I tried to hide mine and my mom saw it through my shirt when I was asleep on the couch. I know how much it's going to suck by telling them, but honestly it'll be better in the long run.
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Re: Advice! pierced and parents dont know -
July 22nd 2015, 12:14 AM
What they don't know doesn't hurt them
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Re: Advice! pierced and parents dont know -
July 22nd 2015, 10:18 PM
Hiding it while on a cruise sounds difficult and plus, they're bound to find out sometime. While they may be upset, I think they'd appreciate it much more if you approach them and be honest rather than finding out themselves, you know? They'll probably feel upset at first, but feel glad you could eventually come clean and tell them about it.
Enjoy the cruise, and best of luck if you decide to tell your parents. I understand how it'd feel scary. Let us know how it goes if you want. 
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Re: Advice! pierced and parents dont know -
July 22nd 2015, 10:29 PM
I say you just be open about it. Let them know what you've done. No need to hide it.
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