Re: Parents.. -
August 8th 2014, 11:37 AM
Hi I am sorry that your siblings feel neglected. I also had busy parents. My mom was perpetually on call and would have to leave in the middle of golf games or movies at the theatre (if you knew my hometown you'd see why goig to a movie alone was complicated). It was frustrating and I would get and cause it seemed like they didn't care to spend time with me. They spent most of their limited free time with my brother, not me.
What helped was when I finally spoke up. If you are worried about this, then the best thing to do is think "our relationship sucks, it can't get worse", which isn't an ideal way to approach it but it might help. But don't go in guns firing. You might want to tell them that you don't care they aren't around but you can tell the younger kids do care. Tell them you are understanding to their schedule but you wish they'd set time every day to be with the family even of it is only sitting down to have supper or breakfast. If time is truly an issue you can offer to cook on the days that they aren't going to be home early enough. Even if this is all they can manage tell them that it will be better. Ask them to have at least one of them come to important events like competitions or concerts
Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions 