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Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction Whether you are combating substance abuse or struggling with another addiction such as gambling, this forum is here to provide support and answer your questions.
Re: How long have you been sober? -
May 1st 2012, 04:06 PM
I've had huge substance abuse issues, since 15. I don't touch any drugs at all anymore, not since last year, about 6 months ago. I still drink, though more minimally. I was all set to go into rehab through a service i'd worked quite hard with, for alcohol mainly, but opted instead to continue using 'recreationally' and ended up physically anorexic, extremely ill, and mentally more screwed up than I already was. Can't remember the exact dates, but definitely about 6 months for drugs.
Re: How long have you been sober? -
May 2nd 2012, 12:44 AM
It made me so happy to log on after being gone for a long health related absence and see that so many people are getting and staying sober. Sobriety is anything but easy and I just wanted to congratulate everyone who has posted here since I opened the thread a few years ago. No matter how long it takes, no matter how many times you end up trying, no matter how hard it is, no matter how weak you feel at times you can do this. even through all the ups and the downs every single one of you has it in you to make it. Take care and stay sober<3
Re: How long have you been sober? -
June 21st 2012, 11:44 PM
2 months july 2nd for marijuana
a year for alcoholism as of may 23rd
"Stop acting like you know what I've been through, you know nothing until you've actually lived every moment and felt every ounce of pain that I have."
"Someone asked me if i missed you, I just walked away then I whispered, so much" I'll miss you forever, Vernon and Charlene.
Re: How long have you been sober? -
June 25th 2012, 09:41 AM
Just about 3 months from smoking and marjuana (made a personal vow to stop this) and just about 2 months from drinking, I know I'll start again when I get back to school!
Through darkness does the light shine even brighter