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Lucille December 9th 2011 03:13 PM

Do you drink alcohol...?
I was shocked to find out how many of my mates don't really drink anymore because they reckon alcohol causes you to put on weight , Do you drink ? or am i the only one who still does http://www.womens-health.com/boards/...s/confused.png

Daivia December 9th 2011 03:30 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I don't drink, never have.

escape_thereal_world December 9th 2011 04:51 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Hey there, Luci. I've moved your thread to a more related forum :)
I don't drink much anymore, but mostly due to cost!
Still have the occasionally drink here and there.

Stargazed. December 9th 2011 05:10 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I used to drink, a lot. I found myself going down the wrong path so I quit and vowed not to drink until I'm of legal age, if then. I really don't even enjoy drinking and I don't enjoy spending money on the alcohol myself. :p

The Goblins Blade December 9th 2011 05:27 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I stopped drinking for six months, but now im back to it. Relapse, ah well fuck it :)

OMFG!You'reActuallySmart! December 9th 2011 05:35 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I started drinking at the ripe age of 13 just taking a sip and the beer tasted pretty good. It was at a large party with many family members there, so my cousin and I drank until we passed out. I did it a few more times but quit because the fun wasn't worth the hangovers. At present time, if I drink it's only a little bit but I still can walk on my own. I actually use a generous amount of brandy in some desserts I make, not sure if that counts as drinking alcohol though.

Incompris December 9th 2011 05:56 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I don't drink. I've seen what it does to my brother, dad, and step-dad. I just don't want to do that to myself and everyone around me.

Harmony♥ December 9th 2011 06:01 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I do drink; and your friends are right. Drinking can cause you to gain weight. You'll see that most older people who have been drinking most of their lives (and may even have drinking problems) have quite a large belly (this is often called a beer belly). But, I drink because I'm of age too. I drank while I wasn't, but it was a dumb decision. I should have waited until I became of age.

Snufkin December 9th 2011 06:07 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I might have a glass or two while I'm out but I don't typically get much from drinking alcohol.

Kate* December 9th 2011 06:11 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I've tasted it a few times, but I don't drink. I'm only 4'9" so I know it would take less alcohol than the average person to get me drunk or hung over and I really don't want to learn the hard way how much that would actually be. I've also struggled with depression and I know that adding alcohol to that is not a good idea.

LostTeen011 December 9th 2011 06:16 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I don't know if this counts as drinking because I literally only drank ONE DROP of Hennessey on New Year's Eve when I was 14 after my friend dared me over the phone. It was only one drop, but man was it horrible! :o It burned like the back of my throat and was so DISGUSTING! So, in conclusion I am not a drinker and will never consume any alcohol.

Acheron December 9th 2011 06:21 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?

Originally Posted by Maeve (Post 771904)
I don't drink, never have.

And you call yourself an Irish lass in training?


Anyway, yeah, I drink. In fact, I wish I was drinking right now.

escape_thereal_world December 9th 2011 06:23 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?

Originally Posted by LostTeen011 (Post 771980)
I don't know if this counts as drinking because I literally only drank ONE DROP of Hennessey on New Year's Eve when I was 14 after my friend dared me over the phone. It was only one drop, but man was it horrible! :o It burned like the back of my throat and was so DISGUSTING! So, in conclusion I am not a drinker and will never consume any alcohol.

Well, you did drink whether it was a drop or not :P

And, not to encourage drinking as it should be done only as casual drinking in my opinion; but there are drinks that taste good. Most drinks if you drink it from the bottle with be horrible; instead, you mix drinks and such and add fruits, etc. to make it taste better.

Again, not encouraging drinking, but for those who are of age and drink in moderation and not as a lifestyle...

The Goblins Blade December 9th 2011 06:52 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Beer, beer more beer lol

ThornedRose December 9th 2011 06:55 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Nope. Never have.....and don't plan on it in the future

LostTeen011 December 9th 2011 07:03 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?

Originally Posted by escape_thereal_world (Post 771983)

Well, you did drink whether it was a drop or not :P

And, not to encourage drinking as it should be done only as casual drinking in my opinion; but there are drinks that taste good. Most drinks if you drink it from the bottle with be horrible; instead, you mix drinks and such and add fruits, etc. to make it taste better.

Again, not encouraging drinking, but for those who are of age and drink in moderation and not as a lifestyle...

Yeah there probably are, but I really am not interested in drinking alcohol. Never have. I remember as a child I was scared to eat dijon mustard because I read it was made with white wine. :p

ALLorNOTHINGforCHRIST December 9th 2011 07:16 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
My drinking has thus far I am 20 just about nine months from being legal consisted of about 2-4 OZS of beer at 15. Even though my school does not allow it (on or off campus) it is an IPHC school I do plan to drink in MODERATION when I turn of age next year.

Kumagoro December 9th 2011 07:21 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Yeah, I drink. Not a lot, because I'm a lightweight and it doesn't take much for me to get tipsy :hehe: but it can lead to weight gain so I don't want to overdo it. A beer belly wouldn't suit me :P

Coffee. December 9th 2011 07:29 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I don't really, I have before, but it's not terribly worth it for me. I recommend you wait to really drink until you're of age, no legal problems. :)

Disappearing December 9th 2011 07:31 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I refuse to. I see no problem with other people drinking as long as they don't drink too much at once, but I won't because my dad used to be an alcoholic, and my uncle is an alcoholic.

Pelios December 9th 2011 07:38 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Yeah mostly tequila and beer, if you are worried about gaining weight try the light beers. :p

_sunsets64. December 9th 2011 07:50 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
i don't drink. my dad's an alcoholic and a few of my relatives are really mean drunks, and i just don't like seeing how alcohol can really screw up people's lives. i don't mind other people drinking though, like at parties and stuff, i'm just scared that i won't be able to handle it because i'm depressed and i'm afraid of the genetic component to alcoholism.
and really, who needs the hangover and the extra calories just to feel better at the moment? i'd rather be happy because i'm actually happy, not because of the lack of oxygen to my brain.

shimmeringfaerie December 9th 2011 09:09 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I don't drink. I've tasted a couple of drinks, but they all taste and smell horrible to me. And I've seen what alcohol has done to my ex-boyfriend, my fiance's parents, and several of my friends. Honestly, drinking just seems like such an expensive, destructive thing to be involved with and most people only seem to do it to fit in with everyone else. My friends only drink at parties, so it seems to me that they are drinking because of everyone else and not because they really like the taste.

¯|_(ツ)_|¯ December 9th 2011 09:17 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I am underage and don't plan on drinking, and if I do it'd only be a sip. Even when I am of age I don't want to drink much because alcoholism runs in our family.

Jesus Christ. December 9th 2011 09:43 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Nope, I absorb it through my skin >.>

ilovecountrymusic December 9th 2011 09:50 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Only thing I really drink is some wine every now and then, I've tried a lil of other drinks but they werent appealing.

Akito December 9th 2011 09:53 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I tried it once, but it wasn't for me; I didn't like the taste or smell and had little motivation to do it in the first place. It was more trouble than it was worth, in my mindset. It can cause you to gain a lot of weight, if you drink regularly.

FairyPoppins December 9th 2011 09:55 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I drink if I'm on a night out.

Although I find that if I want to feel the effect of alcohol, I need to do shots, because I get way too distracted to finish my cocktails/mixers quick enough to get tipsy from them. :rolleyes:

Sincerely Yours ♥ December 9th 2011 10:50 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I drink socially. Yes, there have been a couple times that I've drank by myself, but I don't usually like that. Nor do I drink when I'm anything but happy. I have limits. I've seen too many people abuse alcohol.

Imagine849 December 9th 2011 11:05 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
lol u guys make me feel bad, i drink pretty much every weekend if there's a party or i've got my mates over. I never really get hungover tho.

Eternal December 9th 2011 11:55 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I only drink if I'm out with friends, and I make sure I know my limit.

katpanda December 9th 2011 11:58 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I only drink only occasions. Christmas, New Years, Birthdays, etc.
But even then it is around my family and I only have a couple. The last time I drank heavily was my last birthday. Because it was my 16th and after my bday party me, my boyfriend, my sister and her friend along with my mum came back to my house. Mum went sleepies and we all had something to drink with her permission of course. Me and my boyfriend having the most, but my boyfriend had enough sense to stop me from grabbing more. If he wasn't there I would have ended up with alcohol poisioning or something.

Lugez December 10th 2011 12:27 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Yup. I don't even remember my first drink because I've always been allowed a little wine here and there. But I've been done with the "drink until you pass out" phase for quite awhile. That got boring pretty quickly for me, and it doesn't even feel that good to be that drunk. I think the last time I was drunk was for my 21st birthday, about a year and a half ago. And I regreted it...Felt like crap!

Now I just drink once in awhile. And even then it's only 2-4 drinks tops. I also make drinks for other family members in my house too. I really like Toasted Almonds and gin and tonics :D

Whisperer December 10th 2011 01:19 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
Never have and not planning on it for a long time.
Not just because I'm too young, but I've seen it destroy far too many lives.

Bean December 10th 2011 01:22 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I drink socially, or on special occasions, but even then I drink very little. Otherwise, I tend to avoid it, I've seen the effects of alcoholism too close for comfort.

snoogums December 10th 2011 02:40 AM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I don't drink lol since I am only 13 but honestly I am not sure I will when I am older either. Since I am already a mother and all that and also I am sure I can have just as good of a time without alcohol. I guess I would drink socially when I am of age.

Marcus December 10th 2011 02:16 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I drink alcohol once maybe twice a week. Friday and saturday night. Most people here do then hit a club, I don't get really drunk as much now as I did when I was younger but I enjoy a drink, socialise and a bit of (bad) dancing :)

kadyCHAOS December 10th 2011 04:26 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
i drink when i go out. but that's pretty much it, maybe a few beers watching football or something like that.

EmisaurusRex December 10th 2011 05:21 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
i drink on occasion.

TakeTheLeap December 10th 2011 07:13 PM

Re: Do you drink alcohol...?
I do drink alcohol on occasion. I've only gotten tipsy/happy once and I've never gotten drunk. I'll have a cocktail or glass of wine with dinner or after work or during homework, but that's about it. 1-2 drinks per week, if that.

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