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Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction Whether you are combating substance abuse or struggling with another addiction such as gambling, this forum is here to provide support and answer your questions.
Re: Do you drink alcohol...? -
January 8th 2012, 06:45 PM
I do not drink. I never have and probably never will.
"i don't care your intentions. I just want you to know my self-hatred never took me where I wanted to go. At the end of the day...I can pick at the pain but I can't cut it away."
Re: Do you drink alcohol...? -
January 8th 2012, 07:18 PM
I know a lot of kids at my school drink, especially the upperclassmen. Even some freshmen and sophomores drink on the weekends. I get offered all the time, but I'm in athletics and know it won't be good for me. I'm obviously forbidden to drink by my dad, but my uncle has let me have a couple sips of beer a few times.
15 Straight - Loving Life - Love meeting new peeps - Want to help if I can
Girl: "My doctor says I can't have sex for a while."
Re: Do you drink alcohol...? -
January 8th 2012, 07:28 PM
I like drinking, but I don't get drunk very often. I have a serious love a craving for red wine sometimes It won't become a problem for me, because I don't drink too regularly. However when I'm 18, I may find myself drinking more, because I can :s
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And I've seen all I'll ever need
Re: Do you drink alcohol...? -
January 8th 2012, 09:34 PM
alcohol can do bad things but i do control how much i drink so that i no i wont do anything silly
A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog judges others not by their colour or creed or class but by who they are inside. A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his. If only we opened our eyes. Sometimes it took a dog with worse manners, and pure intentions to help us see what counts in life, and what doesnt
Re: Do you drink alcohol...? -
January 8th 2012, 11:20 PM
Right now I really don't. I never been drunk and I mainly only drink a lil at family parties. In college I might drink a little more, but for a more social thing and nothing crazy. I have the same concerns with alcoholism and plus I don't like the idea of people having the upper-hand on me while I'm drunk xD Plus I like the idea about being able to party and socialize without the need of a substance.
It's not too bad if you handle it responsibly, which is something I'm gonna try to do. I just really want to get wasted before I go to college so that way I know how much I can handle, how I act when I'm wasted, and come up with plans on how to limit/keep myself safe when I do drink in college.
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Re: Do you drink alcohol...? -
January 8th 2012, 11:52 PM
I've tried all sorts of alcohol but just can't stand the taste or how it affects me. It's hard to socialize on the weekends when people around you do it but hey, it's me.
"It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness"-Chinese Proverb
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Re: Do you drink alcohol...? -
January 10th 2012, 10:46 PM
I do on occasion. Never been drunk though. It's rare because I'm underage, I like to keep control, and it's expensive.
“I can only hope that they’ll turn that anger and frustration and madness into something positive, so that two, three, four, five hundred will step forward, so the gay doctors will come out, the gay lawyers, the gay judges, gay bankers, gay architects … I hope that every professional gay will say ‘enough’, come forward and tell everybody, wear a sign, let the world know. Maybe that will help.” Harvey Milk, 1978
Re: Do you drink alcohol...? -
January 11th 2012, 12:03 AM
I've been drinking on and off since I was fifteen. I acknowledge that this is not such a good thing. However, now that I am of legal drinking age, I've gotten a bit more responsible. I'm not supposed to drink all that much do to my anxiety medication however... It's something I'm working on with my therapist.
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Re: Do you drink alcohol...? -
January 14th 2012, 12:10 AM
Once in a while ill drink a small amount. But when im really angry or on the holidays i drink probably a half bottle of vodka. But that rarely happens
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Re: Do you drink alcohol...? -
January 21st 2012, 04:30 AM
I drink. but i've noticed that i put on some wieght cuz of it so i haven't really in 2 weeks..its kinda fun to actually have a converation with someone at a party lol