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what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
March 20th 2009, 04:42 PM
so yh, question is basically in the title of this thread lol.
i'm just curious. i mean,when i'm older i'd love to be a sex therapist and help people with there addictions to sex and there problems etc but just wanted to ask on here as to what a sex addiction is or what you think it is.
i must admit, i love sex, and i'm quite a horny person and i think about it a lot but i wouldn't act on any of my fantasies and i personal don't think it's unhealthy, it's just me.
but what is a 'unhealthy sex addicion'??
thanks in advance
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
March 20th 2009, 10:05 PM
To me, since I've gone through it, just wanting sex all the time and it doesn't matter who it is, you just have the urge for sex. You want to feel wanted, so as long as you find someone willing, then you do it.
Btw, I commend you for wanting to choose that career path. 
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
March 20th 2009, 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by HoLLiFer
To me, since I've gone through it, just wanting sex all the time and it doesn't matter who it is, you just have the urge for sex. You want to feel wanted, so as long as you find someone willing, then you do it.
Btw, I commend you for wanting to choose that career path. 
ahhh thats interesting. thanks!. so it literaly doesn't matter who it is??
ooh and thankyou!! i'm thinking either a sex therapist,relationship therapist, counsellor,physchiatrist,phsycologist, mentor, or someone who helps drug users get off the drugs...anyway this is off topic LOL. but yh i think it's a great thing to try because i'm so respectful of sexuality etc and i'd love to help people with any problem in the future.
does anybody else have anything they could add??
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
March 20th 2009, 10:38 PM
I can't speak for anyone else, but yeah, for me it didn't matter. If you have an addiction, it's different from just feeling lust. Most people search for partners to be attractive and that's the only way they'll ever have sex with them, but addicitions take over you and you lose all judgement. Once again, this is just for me.
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
March 21st 2009, 02:42 AM
It's an addiction once it significantly interferes with your life and makes it difficult for you to function normally.
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
March 24th 2009, 02:10 AM
It's basically what Aufschlitzer said. Something's an addiction when it interferes with your life, so a sex addiction is one where sex is pretty much your life and often it doesn't matter to the addicted person who it is done with, as long as they get to have sex.
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
March 24th 2009, 03:41 AM
A sex addiction is when someone;
-Constantly thinks about having sex.
-Constantly pleasuring him/herself whether through masturbation of sexual relations.
-Constantly feeling empty and thinking that sex will make you feel better.
-You don't care who you have it with, where you do it, how you get it.
-Your life is controlled by this addiction. You don't care who you hurt, you lose friends and your self-respect.
-You create a double-life of yourself, one that is perverted and shameful.
-Regardless of whom you do it with, you'll have sex with them, then immediately want to run away or push them away and never talk to them again.
-You'll always feel unworthy of genuine affection.
-You'll always look at people as sex objects.
-If it gets really bad, you'll try to get your friends into it, use them, then chuck 'em like the others.
-You'll go out of your way to getting it, ditching people, or take time out of your work, just to get a fleeting orgasm.
...Take it from me...
Last edited by Work_In_Progress; March 24th 2009 at 03:46 AM.
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
March 25th 2009, 10:00 PM
Hahaha, how amazing would being a sex therapist be!! Hmm... *ponders seriously as a career*
You're 16, it's probably just hormones making you so horny. If you crave sex several times a day, masturbate and watch porn excessively or go out of classes to masturbate then you're probably a bit of a sex addict. Or have a high libido.
Haha you got me thinking.
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
March 28th 2009, 07:45 PM
after reading this
Im concerned I might have a sex addiction
didn't even consider that
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
March 28th 2009, 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by Deedlit
Hahaha, how amazing would being a sex therapist be!! Hmm... *ponders seriously as a career*
You're 16, it's probably just hormones making you so horny. If you crave sex several times a day, masturbate and watch porn excessively or go out of classes to masturbate then you're probably a bit of a sex addict. Or have a high libido.
Haha you got me thinking. 
yh, i'm really genuinly interested in becoming a sex therapist!! i find it very interesting etc.
and na i know i'm not addicted to sex, your right, i'm very horny because of my hormones  .
thankyou everyone for all your information  interesting but also sounds terrible how it effects people's relationships etc
if anyone else has anything more to add then please do
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
March 31st 2009, 09:05 PM
Yeah, I thin it would be great too actually. But I don't think it's a good idea at our age, maybe when we're in our 40s and actually have some life experience lol
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
April 1st 2009, 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Deedlit
Yeah, I thin it would be great too actually. But I don't think it's a good idea at our age, maybe when we're in our 40s and actually have some life experience lol
na not 40! lol.
i've spoken to career advisor's about it and i have to be 18 to go on any course for it so i'd say about 21 would be suitable for the job. but anyway,completly off subject lol.somebody can close this thread now if they like because i have enough info. thanks guys
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
April 1st 2009, 08:06 PM
there isnt really a thing as a sex addiction as such... when it starts to take over your life and you seem to be having sex every day or every 3 hours etc.
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
April 1st 2009, 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by x-gothic-princess-x
there isnt really a thing as a sex addiction as such... when it starts to take over your life and you seem to be having sex every day or every 3 hours etc.
Sorry to say, but there is such a thing. You've been only having sex with your boyfriend, so please don't say that. Thank you very much.
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
April 2nd 2009, 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by x-gothic-princess-x
there isnt really a thing as a sex addiction as such... when it starts to take over your life and you seem to be having sex every day or every 3 hours etc.
Originally Posted by Phillips_Screwdriver
Sorry to say, but there is such a thing. You've been only having sex with your boyfriend, so please don't say that. Thank you very much.
There's a debate on this topic actually. Some psychologists consider this a condition while others don't. It's a matter of opinion.
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
April 2nd 2009, 05:42 PM
As I said before there is a thing but there isnt in the same way... If you are contansly wanting sex and its taking over your sex life then yes I would count that as a sex addiction. But if its normal sex every couple of days, then I personaly wouldnt count that as one. As Erik said there is a 50/50 choice on this and its totaly up to you whne you feel about what you think a sex addiction is.
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
April 3rd 2009, 05:10 AM
It's not an addiction when it's just with a single person right? Even if you do think about it a lot and want it to occur whenever possible?
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
April 3rd 2009, 06:24 AM
Depends on how much you crave sex and how you handle it.
In the greater cosmic scheme of things, does it really matter?
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
April 3rd 2009, 06:15 PM
Well what if you have sex with your bf/gf every time you two hang out?
Would that be considered a sex addict? .. lol
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
April 3rd 2009, 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Phillips_Screwdriver
A sex addiction is when someone;
-Constantly thinks about having sex.
-Constantly pleasuring him/herself whether through masturbation of sexual relations.
-Constantly feeling empty and thinking that sex will make you feel better.
-You don't care who you have it with, where you do it, how you get it.
-Your life is controlled by this addiction. You don't care who you hurt, you lose friends and your self-respect.
-You create a double-life of yourself, one that is perverted and shameful.
-Regardless of whom you do it with, you'll have sex with them, then immediately want to run away or push them away and never talk to them again.
-You'll always feel unworthy of genuine affection.
-You'll always look at people as sex objects.
-If it gets really bad, you'll try to get your friends into it, use them, then chuck 'em like the others.
-You'll go out of your way to getting it, ditching people, or take time out of your work, just to get a fleeting orgasm.
...Take it from me... 
I think I'm going to quote myself because everyone seems to be missing the point.
Might I also add that it's when you have sex with everyone, regardless of if you are or aren't in a relationship. If you keep doing it with the same person, then yes, you are all correct in that not being the definition of a sex addict.
Last edited by Work_In_Progress; April 3rd 2009 at 08:15 PM.
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
April 4th 2009, 01:04 AM
Matty, is correct. [:
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
April 4th 2009, 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by Phillips_Screwdriver
I think I'm going to quote myself because everyone seems to be missing the point.
Might I also add that it's when you have sex with everyone, regardless of if you are or aren't in a relationship. If you keep doing it with the same person, then yes, you are all correct in that not being the definition of a sex addict.
.. Then I guess I'm not a nympho no mowr. :P
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Re: what would be considered a sex addiction?? -
April 6th 2009, 05:56 AM
Okay, just wondering.  Thanks for clearing that up.
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