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Drinking for the first time? -
March 30th 2011, 08:39 PM
Hai guys,
I've pretty much never drank before but I plan on it tomorrow at someone's house.
I've never drank before which is why I obviously don't know **** about alcohol, etc. I know that how much you drink in terms of how much it does to you is dependent on many factors, mainly body mass, etc.
I'm going out at 6 and I have to be home at 10. I want to drink some time between that 4 hour frame.
(it's going to be vodka mixed with something, I don't know with what yet)
a. How much should I take? (in general, I know it pretty much depends on factors but in general if possible)
b. How do I sober up faster? People told me solid foods such as bread.
c. Can I return home at 10 in perfect shape? Talking/walking perfectly, etc?
d. Any other tips would be nice..
(for what it's worth, I'm 5'10, [EDIT] and 16 years old)
(i didn't come here to be swarmed with answers such as "don't do it, it's a bad thing!" because i'm going to do it anywho I just want to try it a little bit and at least i'm trying to look into it and get more info before i actually do)
Last edited by Gingerbread Latte; March 30th 2011 at 08:56 PM.
Reason: Please don't post weight numbers
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Re: Drinking for the first time? -
March 30th 2011, 08:51 PM
Hey if this is your first time drinking alcohol I'll advice you not to drink a lot as you don't know your limits yet. The thing with alcohol is it exaggerates whatever mood your in before you start drinking. If you're feeling depressed for whatever reason I don't advice you to drink alcohol as it will probably make you feel worse.
I don't advice you to drink spirits (example: vodka) and I certainly don't advice you to mix drinks as this will get you very drunk.
To sober yourself up quickly eating a meal (with a lot of water) normally helps. This may sound crazy but back when I used to drink alcohol if I forced myself to act normal/sober it would sober me up quickly.
Hope this helps Just remember, stay safe and don't drink more than you can handle.
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Re: Drinking for the first time? -
March 30th 2011, 09:00 PM
Hey there
Since it's your first time drinking you won't know your limits so just take it slow. If you feel like you've had too much then stop drinking and switch to soft drinks. For me, when I feel exhausted and/or get a headache I know that's when I've had too much. Also, have some friends agree to keep an eye on you so they can stop you drinking if they feel you've had enough.
Another good idea would be to alternate between hard and soft drinks. Have a vodka mix first and then for your second drink just have coke or water. It'll stop you getting drunk as quick and will keep you hydrated.
It depends on how much you drink on whether you'll be able to return home in perfect shape. Since it's your first time drinking you're likely to get drunk quicker as your body isn't used to this. It's doubtful that you'll return home acting completely sober but you can make it less obvious by taking Ceilidh's advice and drinking lots of water before you return home and fresh air would be a good idea too 
Also, I'm moving this thread to Substance Use as I feel it may fit better there
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Re: Drinking for the first time? -
March 31st 2011, 11:30 AM
From people I know, if you drink on an empty stomach you'll get drunk faster.. & if you get drunk (depending on how much you drink) you will have a hangover the next day. Take that into consideration too, if you have a hangover your parents will be a little suspitious and may know you've been drinking (: Everyone else has pretty much said everything but good luck with it (:
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Re: Drinking for the first time? -
March 31st 2011, 11:37 AM
If it's your first time, I wouldn't suggest going over the top with it. You'll be able to feel yourself getting tipsy and then drunk so whenever you feel yourself getting that way, I'd suggest stopping because as said, you don't want to overdo it especially when you don't know your limits. Stick to a few drinks and try to space them out so that you aren't drinking quickly which will get you drunk faster.
As for sobering up, I'd said food and water is the way to go. Have something simple, like toast or bread maybe and drink plenty of water and it should help you sober up. As for returning home, it all depends on how much drink, if you stick to only a few, you should be fine but as said, water will help sober you up a bit so maybe when it's close to leaving, switch to water/soft drinks.
Hope I helped. :]
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Re: Drinking for the first time? -
April 1st 2011, 02:23 AM
If you're just hanging out with a couple friends, I'd suggest possibly having one person stay sober.
My friend and I both plan on getting drunk for the first time before summer, and we're going to do it at our friend's room and she doesn't plan on drinking anything. She's also more experience and knows when to make us stop, so she'll pretty much be babysitting us until we know what it's like/how much we can handle/what kind of person we are drunk etc. It might not be a bad idea, if you can, to possibly have someone do the same.
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Re: Drinking for the first time? -
April 2nd 2011, 02:46 AM
i've only drank a few times (2 or 3 actually) and i've never been drunk. The way i managed that? I just followed my instict, i was careful with how much i drank and i didn't drink anything strong like vodka. I shared what i was drinking with a friend so i couldn't finish it alone and it made it seem like more (we could finish 3 bottles tog.) but i don't recommend you drink 3 bottles lol  and i guess besides all the great information you were already given, also listen to what your body tells you. Like my friend for ex. couldn't be seen drunk cause her dad would yell at her so we tried sobering her up by giving her water, although she didn't want to drink the water she drank the whole waterbottle. when she got home she threw up 3 times and couldn't had a hungover. =p anyways, i wish you luck! Have fun
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Re: Drinking for the first time? -
April 2nd 2011, 05:03 AM
lol you have to go home, you will be caught.
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Re: Drinking for the first time? -
April 2nd 2011, 07:03 AM
First alcohol will act as somewhat of an "upper" at low concentrations although this can increase depending on the social situation, your current mood and experience with it. After that, it acts as a "downer". Getting "drunk" usually means having enough alcohol so it's acting as a "downer".
There's no answer as to the shape you'll be in, it depends on how much you take. There are some other variables although presuming you're healthy, not on medications and in part, your ethnicity (i.e. some polymorphisms are at a greater frequency in certain races such as North-Eastern Asians). http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/1...3.004/abstract
As for how much to take, if you don't want to be drunk with no hangover, take no alcohol or as little as possible. If you want to be shit-faced, kick back the bottles.
In general, it will be detectable on you because it has a distinctive smell and can impair your cognitive-motor functioning.
If you want to eat/drink anything that may help, take a meal with fatty foods with protein before drinking (i.e. pub food), water while/before drinking, sports juice before/after drinking and eggs after drinking. Reasons are it can quickly restore the vitamins and nutrients lost from alcohol and fatty foods slow down absorption. Bread would be effectively useless. Your friends who told you that are uneducated on the useless myths as the myth is burnt bread, although still is useless. Chewing bread may be tasty but that does nothing.
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Last edited by OMFG!You'reActuallySmart!; April 2nd 2011 at 07:11 AM.
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Re: Drinking for the first time? -
April 2nd 2011, 09:09 AM
Start off with something very very mild. The first thing I ever drank was mikes hard lemonade. I had to drink a lot to get buzzed, so therefore you will have to drink a lot to get drunk. Depending on your body weight but I've never known anyone to get drunk off the stuff.
Just be careful, have a sober or light drinker monitor your drinking. If you are at a party do NOT let anyone make your drinks. Have a very close friend or google online how much alcohol you should mix.
Be careful!
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Re: Drinking for the first time? -
April 2nd 2011, 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by ibakesale
lol you have to go home, you will be caught.
not unless OP gets wasted. a few drinks will not have a massive change in how someone speaks/acts.
I wouldn't get drunk your first time drinking. just have a few drinks and enjoy yourself. don't want to be one of those people who end up passing out because they don't know their limits.. just a tad embarrassing.
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Re: Drinking for the first time? -
April 5th 2011, 12:35 AM
Just take it slow, make sure you eat properly at least an hour before drinking, I know from first hand experience that drinking on an empty stomach can be a disaster. Yes you will get drunk faster but you're also more likely to black out and not remember anything, throw up, pass out or worse. So please eat something I cannot stress how important I believe this to be for first timers. Im gonna say generally you should start feeling buzzed after 2/3 drinks but remember to take it slow.
You should be fine just keep tabs on how many you've had and how drunk you're feeling, good luck!
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Re: Drinking for the first time? -
April 7th 2011, 03:15 AM
My health class teacher said bread soaks things up, Depeneding on the amount you drink wll depend on how fast you sober up.
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Re: Drinking for the first time? -
April 7th 2011, 05:52 AM
Originally Posted by Kkatyy
My health class teacher said bread soaks things up, Depeneding on the amount you drink wll depend on how fast you sober up.
Sorry, your health teacher is wrong when it comes to using bread for the purpose of the thread.
Bread soaks things up if they're on a plate, not if you've already eaten it because once you've ate it, the bread is already soaked and cant absorb anything else. The myth of bread involved burning bread to get charcoal because activated charcoal is used to help treat poisoning. However, charcoal from burnt food and activated charcoal are not the same. Bread, burnt or not, contains some ions such as sodium which may become decreased when drinking alcohol so it could serve as a source for that but you'd be better off drinking a sports drink or some other healthy thing because it'll have more sodium as well as vitamin b & d which are decreased when drinking. Lastly, assuming it does soak liquid up when ingested, it would decrease the amount of water, which would make the hangover worse.
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