Originally Posted by Who Am I Anymore?
I got told by my grandma if I did good at my dive meet I could drink half of a wine cooler that was in the fridge and i did really good..since we weren't home yesterday and we got home today..I just drank half of it...It tasted really good but the problem is I probley drank it in like a minute...I have a very addictive mind and my mom is an alcohlic and a drug addicted(well recovered drug addict) I get my addictive mind from her...anyways my grandma knows all this and still let me have it...I was just wondering would you of let me have it? and also I know im probley gonna become an alcohlic when im older just because of my addictive mind and everything is there away to stop this with out not drinking?
If you still want to drink then you can but reduce the amount you drink and increase the time between drinking. But the best way to avoid getting addicted to drinking is simply not to drink.
If you want to be rewarded for something good, such as a swim dive meet then still do reward yourself but perhaps do it using something else. Perhaps have your favourite meal or go to a restaurant or something else, ideally without alcohol or other illegal drugs.