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Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction Whether you are combating substance abuse or struggling with another addiction such as gambling, this forum is here to provide support and answer your questions.

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Is drugs really that bad? - September 19th 2016, 12:20 AM

I never tried drugs but I was wondering if it can really ruin someone compared to alcohol or its all the same?

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Re: Is drugs really that bad? - September 19th 2016, 03:31 AM

It can ruin people. It also depends on what drug you take and how much of it. Some people have really addictive personalities, so may get addicted to a certain drug much quicker than others.

Best thing to do is to avoid drugs altogether. Simply google the effects of illegal drugs. There is plenty of info out there to show you how devastating they can be.

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Re: Is drugs really that bad? - September 19th 2016, 03:50 AM

Alcohol IS a drug. There is debate on raising the age requirement to 25 but no one follows that law anyway. Studies have shown prohibition laws are not as effective as other approaches to prevention. But the short answer is yes, drugs are problematic. Do I think it is exactly how the media shows it? No. I have learned a lot over the years on how addictions that is controversial. It is hard to get multiple perspectives of the story. But I will say that illegal drugs are often sold on the black market as synthetic or mixed with other drugs. Drugs with alcohol is really bad. Drugs mixed with prescriptions can also be really bad. Besides that drugs are illegal. I mean that's one reason but your life is worth more than that. There's more consequences then merely breaking the law. That's the societal artificially created consequence but even if you're not caught it will affect you.
Alcohol is a substance that can do damage. Yes some people are good with drinking socially but that's not always the case. Smoking has drugs in them that are also harmful. Both are legal but I personally don't think it is healthier. I think that has to do with economic and political reasons more than science
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Re: Is drugs really that bad? - September 19th 2016, 05:18 AM


...Well, it really depends on the person...

I Can't explain it though...

Ughh... Well The question is quite confusing Actually because... Alcohol It's Self Is a drug, It's actually more worse than cocaine Heroine Etc, so basically Alcohol is the Most Harmful, so technically, 'Drugs' Aren't as bad as Alcohol , Because Alcohol can have Long-term effects and Drugs tend to usually Be Less harmful because It can Prevent Cancer but Alcohol on the other hand Can cause all sorts of cancers, Liver cancer etc

Smoking can cause Lung cancer though... I'm confusing everyone but hopefully its Understandable...


1- Drugs Cant Really Ruin someone, its the person Themselves That are trying to ruin Him/Her/It/(s) self,..... It will make them more relaxed , but if they take to much they'll get Uneasy and agitated.

2- Alcohol on the other hand, Could ruin someone if they Ingest too much, It can make someone impetuous [Meaning: Doing something Quick without thought or care....."I THINK....!"] Anyways... yeah it can make people do things they really Don't wanna do but dont think about it and it do anyways...


Alcohol is a More Harmful Substance Than Drugs, because Alcohol is the Strongest Drug...

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Re: Is drugs really that bad? - September 19th 2016, 06:44 PM

Yes it can.

I had a drug addiction a couple of years ago and it completely isolated me from everyone, caused me to go pretty much broke, I became really unhealthy, my GPA dropped, and I got angry very quickly. I totally understand why you are asking though, when I first started experimenting with drugs I didn't think it would impact me much either, especially if I was doing ones that aren't physically addictive. Looking back though, my life was falling apart and I didn't even notice how bad it got until my ex boyfriend and I broke up and I got clean. Honestly, just don't do it. Drugs can be just as harmful as alcohol and it's really not worth it. Every day I wish I could go back and get those two years back that I lost.

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Re: Is drugs really that bad? - September 19th 2016, 06:55 PM

It really depends on what drug, how much, how often, your mental state, if you have mental illness, etc. Caffeine is considered a drug, though it is totally legal and for the most part safe. Alcohol is also a drug. Some drugs aren't physically addicting, but some are. Alcohol is physically addicting. However, a drug doesn't have to be physically addicting for it to negatively impact your life. Psychological addictions can be almost as bad. It's not worth the risk, especially at 16. And while it may be easy to think you won't become addicted to something, no addict ever started doing drugs thinking "I'm going to become an addict and this is going to ruin my life." Addiction tends to start small and spiral out of control and sometimes you don't even realize it.

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Re: Is drugs really that bad? - September 20th 2016, 04:49 AM

For the record, alcohol is a drug and probably ruins peoples' lives more often than all other drugs combined (but I don't know that for sure).
It depends on what kind of drugs you're referring to. For example, adults who smoke weed have almost zero problems because of the weed. For people under 18 (I believe), it can stunt brain development. Old people and parents like to point out potheads like, "look at him, he smokes weed, and he's a degenerate! Weed's a gateway drug!" ...No... he's a gateway kid who likes to rebel, and he rebels by smoking weed. I smoke weed everyday. I'm completely harmless to society. I'm even happier and more energetic now. That's not to say YOU should do it (don't do it, you're not an adult). The government will throw you in jail because the people who pay the politicians (police unions, private prisons, drug companies) make money off of you sitting in a cell. But has anyone ever died from a marijuana overdose? No. It is somewhat possible to be addicted to marijuana. It's also possible to be addicted to coffee, video games, and cheese. Yes, cheese has addictive properties.
I would say everything harder than weed (and sometimes, but rarely, weed) definitely has the potential to destroy your life. Alcohol is stronger than weed. It kills people, it tears apart families. Shrooms are dangerous. A bad batch of shrooms caused the sister of a friend of mine to develop schizophrenia at the age of 16. She's 33. Hallucinogens can fuck with your mind, like LSD. Crack killed my aunt. Its supposed to feel great, but its horrible for your body and its super addictive. Cocaine is the likely reason a dude from my high school robbed a Burger King... he was a pile of shit anyway, but he was high on coke when he did it. Also terrible for your heart because it speeds it up so much. Its also possible to OD on it. Heroine sneaks up on people... it supposedly makes you feel nice at first, but its extremely addictive, and addicts need to spend more and more to have enough to get high because their tolerance goes up, and then they have enough in them to OD. Almost killed my cousin. Opium and opioids are addictive and dangerous, but I don't know much about them.
So those are the illegal drugs I can think of. Prescription drugs can ALSO destroy you if abused. Isn't it weird that marijuana is completely illegal but the government is fine with things like Vicodin and Xanax, which can both cause huge problems for your body? Anyway, I knew a kid who nearly ruined his life and got kicked out of school by nearly ODing on Vicodin. He got treatment and he's doing better now. Abilify almost got me to kill myself, and I didn't even abuse it.
Just a life lesson in general: if you ingest something and it makes you feel good, google it. It might just be bad for you. And usually, they'll make you feel like crap later. Hell, even tasty food... when I found out what kind of poison is in Ramen noodles, I never ate them again.
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Re: Is drugs really that bad? - September 20th 2016, 08:20 PM

Alcohol and any drug out there can ruin any persons life. That being said I have seen adults who are heavy drinkers, but it doesn't seem to affect there job or they don't become abusive or anything like that. Now with people who use Heroin, Crack Cocaine, PCP, and other heavy drugs I imagine that isn't the case. I don't know anyone personally who uses those. Now Weed I don't really think this drug is that bad, but that is a whole other debate. I wouldn't smoke it and immediately go drive a car around, but I don't see it as a drug that can become debilitating.
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Re: Is drugs really that bad? - September 22nd 2016, 01:26 AM

Originally Posted by Three_Blind_Mice View Post
Alcohol IS a drug. There is debate on raising the age requirement to 25 but no one follows that law anyway.
Really? That would be a total joke. Modern day prohibition basically.
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Re: Is drugs really that bad? - September 23rd 2016, 01:25 PM

Drugs are really bad, but not all drugs are created equally.

Raising the alcohol age to 25 would be ridiculous for starters - most countries allow people to drink by 18 or 19 because younger can be harmful mostly because of the affect that alcohol can have on a developing brain, but any older then that seems pretty unnecesary.

Marijuana is also not as awful as some people make it out to be. Extensive research has been conducted demonstrating benefits of it (but also people who smoke up have a slightly higher risk of a psychological break and some people get paranoid / anxious if they're high so it's not for everyone). But think about it, marijuana, alcohol and cigarettes are all legal (at least in many places - marijuana is not legal all over). If you don't have an addictive personality, it's not awful. But look at cigarettes; they're super addictive, cause a lot of health problems and yet society accepts it, yet I hate hanging out with smokers cause they can't even go to the movie theatre or out for dinner without needing to excuse themselves to smoke - you do not want your life ruled by something like that. Alcohol and marijuana are different - obviously you shouldn't drink/smoke and drive and I've definitely seen people become very dependent and/or addicted but I would say most people (like conservatively 75% at least) can have a few drinks and not have it be a big deal.

Other drugs aren't "bad" because they save lives / make lives easier - like Adderall is horrible if your abusing it to stay awake and get school work done but it can make an enormous difference to functioning properly if you have more severe ADHD. People can become dependent on anti-depressents but for many people taking them, the alternate is to have suicidal thoughts or to be so anxious/depressed that they can't function properly.

So many recreational drugs are horrible because they're highly addictive and cause many health issues if used. To top it off, they are not regulated so the people manufacturing them can put whatever in them and make them even more dangerous. Many of them, like meth and cocaine, are also sold by criminals and gangs, and thus it can also put users at risk for becoming involved with criminal drug dealers who might cause them even more harm than the drugs. At least marijuana is practically a hippy drug and it's not just awful people growing/selling it (I'm not trying to advocate for getting high though, just that pot is more akin to alcohol and cigarettes and less like cocaine and meth).

Just don't do drugs ok. It's really not awesome. I've seen it ruin peoples lives.

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Re: Is drugs really that bad? - September 28th 2016, 04:38 PM

ok i just want to correct people although alcohol cause the most deaths that is usually because its a more socially accepted drug, and it is a very dangerous drug that can wreck havoc on some lives, but there is some drugs out there just as bad if not worse, so yes drugs are bad, there is some less harmful then other but none come without danger, so best to avoid all drugs and if you drink, drink responsibly and stay safe, if people need more examples on the dangers of drugs im more then happy to give examples and provide links,
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