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Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction Whether you are combating substance abuse or struggling with another addiction such as gambling, this forum is here to provide support and answer your questions.
I have had a case of video game addiction in the past, and the addictive personality is still there. Does anyone have successful tips on overcoming/avoiding video game addiction? Since it's Summer, I have a little bit of free time, and I've found myself playing video games frequently again. It has ruined previous relationships I've had, which is why I want to avoid it -- and I sense it coming on.
My reasons for playing are because of the competition, perfecting my skill, a break from thinking so much (I'm and introvert), to kill time, and relieve stress, in this order. Thus my action plan is to fill those 4 slots with something else that is less addictive and time consuming. Primarily the first 3 reasons.
Re: Video Game Addiction -
July 6th 2015, 06:16 AM
Hey Michael addictions can be tough things to deal with especially when you have a lot of time on your hands. You've already taken the first step and figured out what's behind it. The first thing that comes to mind is to start playing some kind of sport (either formally or informally), that would be competitive and something you could improve skill in, you'd be focused on what you're doing instead of other things, physical activity has been proven to help relieve stress, and it would be something else to do. You might even meet some new people. If for whatever reason, joining an official team isn't possible, you can play with people you already know.
Member Since: September 19, 2007
LHO: March 31, 2008- October 13, 2012
"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
Re: Video Game Addiction -
July 6th 2015, 08:01 AM
Hey Michael,
Addictions are definitely tricky to deal with! You've already taken a few important steps to beating it, though! You've recognized the problem, identified negative impacts the addiction has had on your life, and identified some potential reasons for your addiction to video games. The next step is to find a distraction or substitute activity for video games. The reason for this is simple. You can't remove something you are addicted to from your life without inputting something to replace it.
As Kate said, you can choose to partake in another activity that speaks to your competitive nature and allows you to constantly improve at something in the same way that video games do. If you're not interested in finding something so similar to video games, you can also try picking up a hobby with a calming effect to counter whatever feelings might inspire you to play video games. During this time period, it's also important to maintain some social interaction. I know you're an introvert, but spending time with people, even for a bit, will help you on track with your goal.
Best of luck, Michael! I'm always around if you need to talk.
wanderlust consumed her;
foreign hearts & exotic minds compelled her.
she had a gypsy soul
and a vibrant heart for the unknown.
-d. marie
Re: Video Game Addiction -
July 9th 2015, 03:36 AM
Well, to quit my candy and pop addiction, I just removed all candy and all pop from my presence forever. Aaaand it worked. So if I were you in this case, I would let my parents/grandparents/friends hold onto the video games for a while. When you get them back, limit your gaming to an hour a day and never change it.
But then again, you aren't me, so this might not work out the same way for you. But it might.