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Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction Whether you are combating substance abuse or struggling with another addiction such as gambling, this forum is here to provide support and answer your questions.
I've Started To Crave Alcohol When Feeling Emotional -
May 20th 2014, 07:29 PM
Over the last few months i have started drinking a little more than i ever used to. I think i partly started to copy the habits of a work colleague of mine who always talks about looking forward to "that large glass of wine after work".
I think i started doing that and finding it quite enjoyable and relaxing. After a few drinks with music on - I'd dance around and sing for the evening and feel lovely.
Though recently, I've definitely noticed that when I get stressed, from work or anything, that the thought of getting to a drink calms me down. I have a boyfriend who perhaps thinks this is a fairly 'unhealthy' attitude - which is right, I know that.
So when I am with him (3-4 nights a week), I don't drink particularly. But I do think to myself that I'll be glad on a day when he's not with me that I'll be able to go and drink a bottle of wine to myself.
Tonight is one of those nights, I am alone, I've bought my wine and cigarettes to enjoy "in peace". But I know this shouldn't be like this. I shouldn't WANT to drink alone? Should I?
To be honest, tonight isn't exactly the jovial dancing/singing night I'd imagined. Its turned into me just procrastinating about my uni assignments and weeping every so often about missing my boyfriend
Gosh I feel sad - like stupid sad. Is this the beginning of some tragic relationship between feelings, alcohol and depression?
I just hope I feel like I'm analysing this enough now to be able to spot it "early" and change the pattern that is emerging.
Re: I've Started To Crave Alcohol When Feeling Emotional -
May 20th 2014, 10:04 PM
Well done for writing this - it means you know the attitude you have for dealing with your problems is wrong.
I've suffered with substance abuse myself and it's really hard to break out of when you get into it. Try to avoid drink, if you feel like you need the rush it gives you, try running or some other physical activity.
If you like to party try doing dance classes or going out to dance rather than to drink - it's something that helped me.
You can stop this before it starts - you're strong enough and I know you can do it.
Message me if you need to and I wish you the best of luck.
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection
Re: I've Started To Crave Alcohol When Feeling Emotional -
June 4th 2014, 12:26 AM
I can definitely relate to this in a way. Whenever I am upset, angry, depressed, etc., I tend to drink a lot. Are you currently seeing a therapist/counselor? If not, I think you should try to see one as it can be beneficial to you in the long run. It is a good thing to realize that you have a problem and it takes a lot of courage to do that.
Try distracting yourself whenever you get upset, angry, etc. and feel like drinking. Try joining a club/sport at college or in your community.