Alex, a lot of people are against meds initially, largely b/c of two things: Ego...this wrong headed idea that taking them makes you 'Weaker', 'Crazier', etc., so this quickly becomes some kind of internal control struggle...or inaccuarte or incomplete info about the meds themselves.
The first issue is easily dispensed with by pointing out that failure which results from untreated underlying issues is far worse than success gained from keeping bad stuff away with a pill.
The second is best addressed by talking with the doc who would be prescribing and monitoring them and getting his/her assessment. Typically, though, SSRI's are used quite successfully in treating anxiety with little side effects, what most people experience once they're on the right dose is just an absence of the anxiety.
Besides, if they don't work, or make you feel worse, or you cannot tolerate the idea of taking the and the doc can stop and you can live with your anxiety, it will still be there.