Title says it all really, I'm just wondering how to ask to speak to my doctor alone because I'm seeing him on Thursday and These last two times I have left out somewhat important information, that being that I have an eating disorder undiagnosed. I want to know if 1.) He could diagnose it or dismiss it and 2.) If it's causing some of these health issues. He knows about my depression and has me on antidepressants and it was clear how my weight affects me because after seeing it I cried so yeah... But I haven't been able to tell him about how I eat which is borderline if not entirely, that of an eating disorder. I need to tell him because it could explain a lot of my weight issues including why I'm over weight and then we could try to work through it. My parents know that I had an eating disorder but they basically ignore that it ever happened and don't really notice that I've relapsed.
I know it should be so easy but the way my parents are they'll get super paranoid and then be pissy with me and ask why all the time afterwards, but I want to talk with him alone so they don't know I'm relapsing because then they'll also find out I recently relapsed on
SH and I cannot handle their emotions on that.
So how do I politely ask my parents to speak to my doctor privately, also would he tell them? He went over the privacy policy with me seeing as I'm a teen, but they tell your parents if they're afraid you are going to hurt yourself or others. Eating disorders are destructive to your body and therefore he might tell but I don't want him to. I mean I;m basically all over destructive when it comes to eating from eating very little to laxative abuse to just recently attempting to make myself throw up. But I absolutely do NOT want my parents to know.