So at the moment I'm super tired ALL the time. Like I get up after 6 hours sleep (for the last few years I've been averaging 3/4 hours, 6 hours only started early this year but it's better) have breakfast and need to sleep for half an hour before work etc because I can barely stand / keep my eyes open. I often fall asleep on the bus on the way to work, and on the way home. I manage to keep awake for the 3 hours I'm at work, probably because I'm constantly active (work with kids). By the time I get home I often sleep a couple of hours in the afternoon, again because I have trouble keeping my eyes open, not because I choose to nap. Then I get 6 hours sleep again.
I had bloods taken by the doctor last week for this and some other stuff, but I don't get the results for a while and I'm struggling to function. I've tried caffeine, which I've been told is a bad idea but I can't function so I try anything right now. Thing is even if I have a heap of caffeine it doesn't help the tiredness, I just get really shaky. Like my eyes are still closing and I feel really drowsy, I'm just shaky as well.
How can I stay awake if caffeine won't help and sleep clearly isn't helping?? I have an assignment due tonight which I'll probably just about finish, but I have work etc and it's getting so hard to stay awake