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Question The doctor says it's CYRIASIS, but I'm not sure;; - August 17th 2011, 08:25 PM

Hi ladies!

So this problem I've got has been "on-off" for about a year. It happens when I'm stressed out, begining with the littlest thing, like where I put my hairbrush, to where I don't want to move that it hurts so bad, because I'm worried about getting all the bills paid. I'm 21, I've had my period regularly since I was 12, and what happens is my skin dries out down below and I get sore and itchy, and I end up stratching myself until I bleed. It feels like I'm constantly dry down there and chafted! I end up scratching off layers of dead skin, and then the new skin is so thin and sensitive it hurts. At first I thought maybe it was because of the hair down there, because I, well, I got lazy one week about a year ago and let it grow in (I prefer no hair, but sometimes things preside over the need to shave the muffet). This problem has been happening ever since then! It only occurs around the lips but it's painful and annoying as hell.
My doctor said it was cyriasis, and yes, I know that's spelt wrong, I apologize, but cyriasis is another from of exzema (also spelled wrong, again I apologize), but frankly I think my doctor's wrong. He started me off on yeast infection medication, and for a while it worked, but once I was done the medication, it came back, and it was nasty. Then he gave me exzema medication and sent me for a dermatologist appointment, but they found nothing wrong. I don't want to be constantly using yeast infection medication, because of my fiancé, but I don't want to constantly have this thing happening. What do I do? Do you think it's cyriasis or a knarly infection?
  (#2 (permalink)) Old
thefirstlady Offline
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Re: The doctor says it's CYRIASIS, but I'm not sure;; - August 17th 2011, 09:12 PM

It does sound like a form of psoriasis to me. It can happen anywhere on the skin. I have an area on my left calf. I use cortisone 10 cream on it and it helps stop the itching and since it's a mild steroid cream, it also helps it get better and disappear. It does take some time to work, but it's worth a try! It's cheap and about the only thing I've found that works without getting a prescription cream!
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