The title of your post really says a ton on its own, but yeah... when she asks you if you're taking your meds when you're arguing, I can imagine it feeling as though she was really blaming the depression (or you, I suppose it could feel like) for you two not getting along... as if it wasn't way more complicated than that, as if she didn't have a part to play in it as well... and ESPECIALLY because the tables have been turned before. =/
I guess that's part of why you have struggled to get along, eh?... if it really feels like she barely ever meets you halfway or that she's not at all supportive of you (from the sounds of it, it might even feel like the opposite!), I can imagine it'd be hard to enjoy being together. Do you just sorta try to stay out of her way as much as you can?
And despite that, having a mental health nurse sounds helpful, and I imagine you probably had some other outside help and support to make up for this stress, eh? I personally appreciate that you really seem to get that it's not going to get better all at once, as hard as that can be to swallow sometimes. Did it help a little to vent?