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Eating Disorders If you or someone close to you is struggling with an eating disorder, reach out here to ask questions or to receive support for recovery.

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Is this an eating disorder? - January 11th 2012, 02:56 AM

For the past month or so I've been counting my calories. Today, I cut myself after I realized how many calories I ate. Would this be an eating disorder?
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Re: Is this an eating disorder? - January 11th 2012, 03:09 AM

Not yet. These are just signs and symptoms of what could become an eating disorder. I was the exact same way. I obsessed over calories and even limited my intake to a really unhealthy number, and I also cut myself when I was disappointed in myself for eating so much. This is not a path you want to continue down though sweetie. It will tear you apart. If you would like to lose weight I suggest the safe way by eating healthy and exercising. Answering your question, it is not an eating disorder. You may have depression though. PM me anytime!

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Re: Is this an eating disorder? - January 13th 2012, 08:07 PM

Not quite an eating disorder but it could turn into one if you aren't careful. Counting calories isn't a bad thing. you are probably just dieting and thats okay. but if you start starving yourself, then yes, thats an eating disorder. Please be careful
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Thumbs up Re: Is this an eating disorder? - January 13th 2012, 08:52 PM

I suffered and still sometimes suffer from eating disorders, and it pains me to tell you that this seems to be anerixoa in the early stages when you will still allow yourself to eat a little. I know it seems weird, but for me to excape that stage, I distracted myself while eating so that I wouldn't see my caloric intake. You can overcome this; I believe in you!

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Re: Is this an eating disorder? - January 14th 2012, 05:49 PM

Like people have said before me ^, It's not one YET. But you need to be really careful hun so that it doesn't turn into one. I can relate to the anger and sadness though of realizing you've eaten to much. If you need someone to talk to you can PM me anytime ok?

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Re: Is this an eating disorder? - January 14th 2012, 06:40 PM

Like everyone else has said, it isn't an eating disorder yet. However, counting calories is a sign that one might develop. Now is the best time to stop, before it gets to be too difficult. Instead of counting calories, make sure what you're consuming is healthy. Instead of eating a bag of chips, eat an apple. If you fond yourself snacking a lot, keep a bag of grapes or lightly salted nuts with you. Simple changes like these will help you keep your calorie count normal, in a healthier way.

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Re: Is this an eating disorder? - January 14th 2012, 09:55 PM

Hey there,

I'm actually going to back up a bit and maybe sound a bit contrary to what others here have said. We can't diagnose you with an eating disorder, nor can we tell you what you're doing is or isn't one. We do not have that power, and we do not have the knowledge of eating disorders a doctor is.

From the knowledge I do have, you probably do not have eating disorders such as Anorexia or Bulimia Nervosa. These eating disorders have very specific requirements, from number of calories you eat, weight you are, ext, things you cannot share on TeenHelp anyway because of their triggering nature. But from my own knowledge you probably do not have one of these, because of how restrictive the diagnosis are. HOWEVER, that does not mean you do not have an eating disorder. You may have something known as an Eating Disorder not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS). I do not know if you do or not.

This is something you need to see a doctor about, and come out to your family about your habits. For one, even without ED like bahavior, the cutting in itself can very much harm you, and the path you are taking is very well on the road to an eating disorder, whether or not you have one or not. I'm going to leave you with the Alternatives to Self Harm page. Here, you can find many alternatives to harming yourself, from ways to distract yourself, to ways to simulate the feelings of pain. Many of these help with eating disorder triggers as well. I would really recommend telling an adult you trust, and helping yourself before these feelings continue.

Message me at any time, I'm always around. And feel free to come back to this forum as well, we're always here to help and support you!

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