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Eating Disorders If you or someone close to you is struggling with an eating disorder, reach out here to ask questions or to receive support for recovery.

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  (#1 (permalink)) Old
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Unhappy I think im developing an eating disorder? Please help? - November 23rd 2010, 03:31 AM

Okay I am 15 and I weigh [Edited] and I am 5'2.
I am starting to get really concerned about my weight and body. I am starting to think like an anorexic. I am not anorexic though. I am only eating 3 very small meals a day, breakfast lunch and dinner and for these meals I will only have one piece of toast for breakfast, for lunch i will have a apple and maybe a small sandwich, and for dinner I will only have a small proportion of meat and sometimes a salad. At the moment I think this is okay but I am starting to think that I have eaten to much in this day when I know that I haven't eaten much at all. I will eat very slowly and try get full faster. I will come home from school and do all research on how many calories I had today and I am keeping a very close eye on what i'm eating.
I don't want to attract any attention for doing this, it is why I am doing this kind of anonymously.
Can somebody help me? I'm not sure what I am doing

Last edited by Casey.; November 23rd 2010 at 04:14 AM. Reason: Please do not post weight figures, they are against the COC
  (#2 (permalink)) Old
Casey. Offline
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Re: I think im developing an eating disorder? Please help? - November 23rd 2010, 04:22 AM

Only a doctor can tell you if you have an eating disorder, and we are not doctors. If you are concerned with your weight or with what you are eating, please talk to your doctor. Restricting is not good for you. Eating six small meals a day is healthy, and better than three large ones; three to four small meals is okay, if they are actually a meal. It sounds like you are heading down a dangerous path, but it is early enough that you can stop it. Don't worry about calorie content and the like, try not to dwell on it. You are fifteen, which means your body is still changing, and dieting isn't really good for you when you are still in your teens, unless recommended by your doctor. Please talk to your doctor or an adult you trust. You are not alone it this, hang in there.

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anorexia, anorexic, developing, disorder, eating, eating disorder

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