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Bulimia and chest pains?? -
May 4th 2010, 12:26 AM
I started takin a new kind of meds. last week and i began to have really bad stomach pains and chest pains a couple days after tha stomach pains started i went to my dr Friday and i told him about my ed Friday night i had to go to tha hospital have and ekg blood taken iv xrays and a ct scan and the chest pains are still continuing stomach pains too but not as bad...They said the lining in my stomach was swollen and inflamed could that be caused by the bulimia and also the chest pains be caused by it???
Should i get my mom to call my dr and make me an appointment???
With my chest pains i can do very little and it feels like my heart is racing and i cant breathe or sometimes its like i know im breathin but at tha same time it doesnt feel like it if that make sense lol.....
Proud Pentecostal Girl
RIP big brother
pfc. Bradley Shane Coleman
9/22/84-10/29/08 my class ring. orange ribbon 4 si awarness!!!! i love my ring!!
Re: Bulimia and chest pains?? -
May 4th 2010, 03:51 AM
Hey there,
It could definitely be a cause. But we are not doctors here so the only way to know for sure is if you go and talk to your doctor. Bulimia is really dangerous. You know a person can purge just once and die? If the potassium in their body is too low it will happen. So, please go talk to someone. Get help for this because you can beat this ED and live a life of happiness. You can be happy with yourself without needing to purge. You can live life without the ED. Just open up and talk.
Re: Bulimia and chest pains?? -
May 5th 2010, 02:19 AM
Get your mum to take you back to your doctor. It could be caused by not only your bulimia, but also by the addition of a new medication. If the chests pains get really bad, go to the hospital. We are not doctors, so we don't actually know. However bulimia can cause chest pains and tear at your stomach lining. So please, go talk to your doctor.
She whispered to her own reflection "I will be strong."
"I am not what has happened to me.I am what I have chosen to become."- Carl Jung
Re: Bulimia and chest pains?? -
May 14th 2010, 08:51 PM
Hi Dear,
Bulimia is something serious and can have damaging physical effects. I do not wish to scare you here, however these are the know physical effects of bulimia due to vomiting:
-Dental problems: destruction of tooth enamel which can cause cavities and the loss of teeth
-Electrolyte imbalance: These are necessary to and essential for our body to continue working. The loss of potassium can cause fatigue and spasms and severe cases can led to kidney failure, irregular heartbeat and death.
-Gastrointenstincal disorder: This could be what you are experiencing right now.
And then there are nutritional deficiencies and salivary glands swelling.
As the others have suggested, I recommend that you go back to your doctor and talk to him about this. If ever you need to talk you can pm me.