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Eating Disorders If you or someone close to you is struggling with an eating disorder, reach out here to ask questions or to receive support for recovery.

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eating disorder or somfin else? - December 19th 2009, 04:52 AM

ok, heres the thing. im hungry like, once a day. i mean, i eat skoolz lunch sometime, but rarly, thn im starving whni get home from skool, thn when its time for dinner, im not hungry anymore. bujt i eat anyway. and ive [Edited by Jen--size numbers]. well thts a good thing, cuz i want to loose weight anyway, but not from a disorder or anything. just from working at it. but im like, never hungry sept for 3:30 ish. it staryed a little bit after August 27, but just a little. thnit got worse after September 19, a little moreso after September 30, and again after November 30. maybe even a tiny bit more after last friday, but idk yet. wht i wanna know is if this is a disorder, or mayb somfin differend and if so wht?

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Last edited by Jen; December 19th 2009 at 05:37 PM. Reason: Please do not post weight, size, or calorie numbers; it violates the Terms of Service.
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Re: eating disorder or somfin else? - December 19th 2009, 05:50 AM

Well it really depends on how you feel. If you are just not hungry, and just dont feel like food, then it could be something different and you should go to a doctor. If you are just 'convincing' yourself you aren't hungry, or if you feel you have a problem with the way you look, or if you just really really want to lose weight, then it is possible you have an eating disorder.
But i can tell you are concerned or you wouldnt have posted and it wouldnt hurt to go to the doctor, because if your body just isn't wanting food, that can be bad as well.
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Re: eating disorder or somfin else? - December 19th 2009, 05:15 PM

i cant go to a doctor. we dont have the money, and i dont have insurance. i was supposed to go to the doctor in a couple months for my sholder, but tht got cut last friday when we crashed into a tree. andi want to loose weight by working at it, by exersising. not by not eating. and i do eat, im just not hungary sept for 3:30 ish everyday

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Re: eating disorder or somfin else? - December 19th 2009, 07:46 PM

well your body follows the pattern you give it... try making yourself eat three smaller meals a day... set times to eat and eat a little bit at those times even when you are not hungry, just for a while. Soon your body will get used to eating at those times and you will begin to feel hungry again. Spacing out your meals will also help you lose weight because your metabolism will stay revved up. Many small meals throughout the day is much better for you than one big meal anyways. goodluck

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Re: eating disorder or somfin else? - December 19th 2009, 07:46 PM

Aw okay sorry to hear that. Okay well then it sounds like you do have a problem then because you want to lose weight. Is there someone like maybe a school counsellor you could go and see.
Or right now, because its not that serious YET, you could maybe try and eat because not eating is hell and it just makes your life suck...tbh. And you know that by exercising you can lose weight but you can eat too, because if you leave it too long you wont be able to stop then you could get really really sick.
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Re: eating disorder or somfin else? - December 19th 2009, 07:52 PM

i do eat. im just never hungry. i eat lunchat skool, and i eat dinner. even thogh in not hungry. cuz i dont wanna b skinny as hell, like those bitches at my skool who made life living hell for every1 else. i just wanna lose a little weight. and loose it healthily

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Re: eating disorder or somfin else? - December 22nd 2009, 05:51 PM

its gotten worse now. soon after i eat, i get a stomachache. but not if i eat bread or cheese. i dont know whats up with me. but i still eat cuz i odnt wanna become anorexic or any of tht. and i dont want to b super skinny. and i cant go to a doctor, but i dont want to live like this forever. any ideas wht it could be, or how i could make it go away?

formerly snowstorm, GoneBeyondRepair, and Breathless in Love
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Re: eating disorder or somfin else? - December 22nd 2009, 06:21 PM

Hey Jordan,

If going to a doctor isn't an option, it's still important to talk to someone. You don't want to end up in the hospital because of this, which very well could happen. A parent, a teacher, a school nurse, guidance counselor, or any other adult is someone that's good to talk to. Since we aren't doctors here, we can advise you as best we can but we can't be sure what's causing you to feel sick, you know? So it's best to talk to an adult who can help you in person.

In the meantime, try as best you can to eat normally and take GOOD care of yourself.

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