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I think my sister has a eating disorder? -
November 27th 2009, 10:44 PM
Hi, This is my first time to ask a question but I'm really scared 
I don't really know if I am doing it right but
Since September, My sister has been skipping meals and exercising quite a bit. She spends ages in the toilet and her hair has started to fall out and she is getting nose bleeds, She [Edited by Jen; removing weight numbers] and won't eat anything with sugar in it. I'm so scared, when ever I ask her she changes the subject or gets angry! Do you think that she has an eating disorder? Please some one tell me what you think =[
thank you.
Last edited by Jen; November 28th 2009 at 02:52 AM.
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Re: I think my sister has a eating disorder? -
November 27th 2009, 11:52 PM
Hey there.
Firstly, you sound like a really great sister to have! Its nice that you care. I don't think any one us can sit here and tell you, 'yes, she has an eating disorder', or 'no she doesnt have an eating disorder'. However, i can see why you are worried about her.
My sister, is recovering from anorexia, and ive been through the holoe worried shes not eating phases before, so i do understand how you are feeling. Do try and keep talking to her about it, because even if she stresses and gets mad at you for asking her questions, she'll know that you care, and that you're there for her. Maybe try take a different approach to it? Just randonly bring it up? Tell her your worried and why etc. If you really are worried, i suggest you talk to someone about her. Maybe your parents, because the end of they day, if there is a problem, it needs to be found, and solved. But also, dont get yourself to worked up over it. It can be alot of pressure, and it isnt all your jobt o worry about her.
I hope things turn out okay, and im always here if you need a chat.(:
Jess x
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Re: I think my sister has a eating disorder? -
November 28th 2009, 12:07 AM
First off, Welcome to Teenhelp :].
I definitely agree with Jess! You sound like a great sister if you're so worried about her. I think she's very lucky to have a sister like you, and hopefully she realizes it.
I understand that it can be a frightening situation to have this feeling about someone close to you. It really frightens you. I think you should sit privately with your sister and ask her some questions about why she's been acting the way she is. Start off easy, don't just jump to the conclusion, I think it's important for her to tell her side before you say she has an eating disorder, even though it sounds like it a little bit. Start with easy questions, and maybe offer her a snack? See if she'll take it and eat it. Tell her that you want to help her with whatever is going on, if anything, and that you'll support her in her eatings habits, once they become more healthy.
I think you should watch her and see what she does. Ask her some questions, and let her know that you're there for her. I think that'll really help her. Knowing that someone cares for her so deeply that they're worried about her.
If you ever need anything, or just want to talk, feel free to send me a private message, or a vistor's message.
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Re: I think my sister has a eating disorder? -
November 28th 2009, 01:48 AM
Like Jess said you seem like a great sister to have. We are not doctors so we can't say for sure if she does have an eating disorder or not, but a lot of the symptoms that you have mentioned make it seem like she possibly does have one.
Those symptoms that you have told us, points to most of the symptoms for an eating disorder. I'd consider talking to your doctor about it.
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Re: I think my sister has a eating disorder? -
November 28th 2009, 05:12 AM
Hey there,
You sound like a great sister to have, to care so much about her. I can't tell you if she has an eating disorder or not, but her eating habits do not sound healthy at all.
You might want to try talking to her, let her know you are there for her, and that you care about her. I'm not sure about telling your parents, but if she gets much worse, you might have to. Not eating things with sugar in it, isn't always a bad thing. Eating healthy is okay, but if she seems afraid of sugar, then that is not alright.
I have anorexia, and I have an older sister. So I'm going to try and explain this from a different angle, from that of someone who has an eating disorder. Whenever someone would approach me about my eating, or tell me to eat more, I would get angry. It's not that I did not always want to eat, but I could not eat. Eating disorders about about control, mainly. Control over your body, your life, your mind. Sometimes it gets to the point where you can't see anything else, all you see is fat and imperfection. You need that control so badly, you will do anything to get it, even if it kills you. Often, eating disorders have underlying problems, something that someone might be trying to block out or make go away. I was angry when my sister told my parents, very angry. But it did help me, and it still does. Knowing that people care enough to piss you off because their worried, it means everything.
You are a good sister, and I know you are worried. The best thing you can do is be there for her, catch her when she falls, and keep telling her that she's not alone, because I'm willing to bet she feels really alone right now.
If you need anything, feel free to pm me.
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Re: I think my sister has a eating disorder? -
November 29th 2009, 05:30 PM
I'm no doctor, but it sure sounds like she has an eating disorder. And to repeat others, you're a great sister!
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Re: I think my sister has a eating disorder? -
November 29th 2009, 11:12 PM
We can't diagnose it but it sounds like it may be an ED. You should talk with her about it. Go to her and ask her what's going on and why she's missing so many meals and all. Then mention that she maybe goes to a doctor to try and figure out what's going on and that you're willing to go with her if she needs support.
You're doing the right thing caring for her like this.
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